What makes our life beautiful?

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Is not this question obvious?

Well, not for me...

I always wonder about why I'm here, what's the purpose of my existence, why me, what values I can add, how can I make my and others' life beautiful? There are thousands of questions roam around my mind.

I got answers to the few questions. And if you ask me the same question what I asked on my title, I would say, LOVE.

Yeah, love makes our life beautiful I think.


The love I give to my son, the love that brings me and my husband closer, the love gives me the feeling to care for others, the love makes me feel sad when I see other's suffering. And, most importantly the love from God (if you are a believer). This love makes us alive. Finding this love is necessary than anything.

Don't you ever feel 'loveless'? The feeling of 'left alone', the feeling of 'not finding the love' is worse than anything. Especially during our teenagers, I can remember how it used to hurt. But later when I started to search the purpose and meaning of life, when I started to get some of my answers, when I started to see & learn to walk on the right path; my life became easy. I learned who to love, why to love and how to show love.

It's not about just your soul mate, or your offspring, or your parent; you can show love to anyone. The bonding it creates is enormous. Love makes us powerful. A special power to feel the connection and make this human life more meaningful and certainly more beautiful.

I got my answer. Did you get it yet? Or what else your answer would be, I would love to know!


Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Mom of a toddler son, have a vast experience working with HR in a multinational organization. Also, I have a good knowledge of Public Administration. But most importantly, I'm a life & nature enthusiasts, eager to learn human psychology, trying to live mindfully and a positive learner.

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Most excellent post @rem-steem my friend.
There were times in my life when I felt unloved, during the
Darkest days of my addictions, I would cry (tears) and cry out to God
"PLEASE help me get out of this" and I never heard an answer, but I knew
I was loved, and in the end, I DID get out of it, so there it is; I was loved all along.
I just didn't feel it because I was so wrapped up in ME and MY problems, to see it.

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment