[ENG-ESP] False projections. / Falsas proyecciones.

in GEMS4 years ago


The origin of evil is projection. From the moment we are born, people project dreams, ideas, goals and illusions onto us. Projection is a natural mechanism according to which one person transfers his own things to another. Especially, one projects the negative, what one does not accept or recognize in oneself and therefore transfers it to the other, assuming that the other has it.

For example, someone said to you: "What a face you have", and you are normal. The one who says it to you is bad, and projected his mood on you.

The jealous one says, "You're going to cheat on me." And in reality he is the one who wants to cheat, and as he does not recognize it in himself, he puts it on the other.

Racism is also the projection of frustrations on others. People who have stored conflicts that they do not recognize, and then decide to put all that on the races, whatever color you are, whatever creed you are.

We project anger, emotions, anger, distrust, mistrust, everything bad, and we receive this from the time we are small.

Let's identify some of the false projections we have accepted for our life.


A mother who has always lived a sad life has probably projected the same sadness onto her child. Many people spend their whole lives attached to sadness.


Many people keep the ashes of their relatives in their homes or have the same name as a deceased family member, and this is how they live sick, with fears, anxieties, always complaining about some pain, going to one doctor and another and self-medicating.


Many people live bound to shame. They are afraid to speak up, to voice their opinion, to say "here I am". You have probably been inculcated for years with the gesture of always asking for permission to speak, to say hello, even to be, and you grew up feeling less than the rest.


There are women who are tied to a giant chest, they feel they have to save everyone who suffers from an addiction, the one who has no job, the manipulator. The favorite phrase in these cases is, "Poor little guy."


Men and women were also tied to mandates such as "you have to take care of your younger siblings", "You have to be strong and carry them all". They are people who run from one side to the other, who never let themselves be helped and at the same time complain because they don't get help.

All these projections and many more may be resonating in your mind, you may be identifying them in your life today, and they need to be broken.

You need to stand up and decree that pain is not your destiny, that you will no longer function according to the projections that others have made about your life, but that you will walk with what you decide today about yourself.

Everything bad that someone else put in your life has to come out and break. We need to remove everything negative from our life.


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