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RE: Comisión #2 - Una pequeña mordida / Commission #2 - A little bite

in GEMS4 years ago

Is it really cool seeing your art on the cover of a book? :D it's a very eye catching image, people are probably picking it up/clicking on it just from that XD

You're the second person I've read now on here who's specifically said start with the darkest colours and go down to light. I've always started painting from shadow and then doing light but every time I did I always remembered an old art teacher from school (can't even remember which year it was) who always told us that we had to start with the lightest colours first and go to the darkest because it's easier to paint over the light colours if mistakes were made, but I'm now wondering if it's because we were using poster paints pretty much exclusively and they didn't want us to make a mess mixing paints and getting the paintbrushes too dirty.


Hehehe, thanks :3 💕

And depending, digital is king of different from traditional (as every traditional techniques needs a different approach) in some techniques is good to save the white spaces from the beginning (like in water color or crayons)once you lose them is hard to get them back. In digital is easier for me to go from dark to light, especially if it's hair since they have that king of depth and darkness after multiple strands of hair xd.