Don't forget the old by getting the new

in GEMS2 years ago

Hi friends Assalamualaikum how are you all I hope you all are very well by the grace of Allah I am also very well with your prayers and by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah.

Don't forget the old by getting the new

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We humans are the kind of creatures that forget the old when we get something new, we shouldn't do that at all.

Sometimes it happens to me that I forget the old thing when I get something new but at the end of the day I realize that the old thing is the most important thing in my life.

I am trying to explain you with some examples like we have a phone in our hand do we take good care of the phone suddenly when we get a new phone in our hand we don't use the old phone that much so many times we forget to charge that phone I never check whether there is a charge.

That's the only reason we got a new one and we don't have time to care if the old one has a charge or not.

If you think about our life then I would say there are many of us who are in a love relationship and suddenly because of a small mistake between two of us we destroy that relationship we keep looking for someone new remember one thing to fill the void of the old person with a new person. can't

You are trying to forget the one you are trying to replace with someone else. You are trying to forget him. remained

Life is beautiful when we all get along. Life is beautiful when we embrace the new and never forget the old.

But we humans forget the old when we meet someone new it's our biggest mistake we all should give less importance to something new if it comes in our life but give more importance to the old thing because the old thing was with you for a long time if you try to make it more with you You can keep it for a while.

I always try in my case.

I will try to write something new in another day or so.

May everyone be well, stay healthy, and obey Allah. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.