Some benefits of being single in life

in GEMS2 years ago

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

My dear friends, Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all, I hope everyone is well by the grace of God, I am also fine by your prayers and by the grace of God, Alhamdulillah. Today I will discuss with you a very important matter of our life. Let's start the discussion without much chatter. .

Some benefits of being single in life

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We humans like to live in harmony with everyone in society.

But today I will discuss with you some of the benefits of being single and the things that you can protect yourself from if you are single in life.

  1. No one can ever hurt you

The best thing about being alone in life is that we humans live with humans, if we suddenly get angry with someone or quarrel with them, our relationship with them is destroyed, and we suddenly have to suffer a lot from that person. Can never hurt.

  1. Don't get neglected from anyone

Neglect is a very dangerous thing when we trust a person more than ourselves and love more than ourselves then that person creates a new chapter of neglect in our life I think if you are alone then no one can ever neglect you .

3 waste of time

Time of your life is a very precious thing when we move around especially in our society or especially when talking about our women when 2-4 women sit together and talk we get busy with different kinds of talk which consumes some precious time from our life. becomes
If we use this time we can do a lot if we are alone but we can use this time so I think it is best to be alone.

Being alone in life is very difficult but in solitude lies the ultimate happiness No one can hurt you No one can neglect you No time in your life will ever be wasted You will be focused on the work you are doing If you move forward with your goals and dedication Success can be assured in your life.

So in my opinion it is very necessary to be alone in life. Loneliness may make people suffer a little for a short period of time but loneliness is the most important thing for living a good life.

I don't know how much I have understood but I have tried to share with you what I have learned from my life.

Thank you very much for spending your valuable time to read my article, I will definitely come back to you again with such and such new articles. Until today, everyone is well. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.


Waalaikum salam
May Allah's grace be poured out on you
Thank you for sharing here, I really appreciate it
Keep spirit and be strong in facing this life