The medianimic faculties

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


The subject is too extensive and the mediumnities are very diverse, such as clairvoyance, hearing, mechanical writing, speech, intuition, conscious and unconscious unfolding, among others, so I will limit myself to expressing some considerations and characteristics. The definition of a medium, according to the dictionary, is that "a person who is supposed to be used by spirits to communicate through him".

We call the human being (never an animal) a medium, who possesses one or more psychic faculties. This is not a "gift" given because he does not get it as a gift; he acquires it by his effort. By his tenacious work in a multiplicity of existences. Spirits who have already left their bodies and those who are still incarnated communicate through them.

Those who are in a spiritual state do not harm at all, because the Law of Love is not only fulfilled by them, but it is in them from the moment of the execution of a Judgment called the Majority (an act unknown to the general public). The detracting phonies are incarnated and communicate in a split, so they must be unmasked and accused of being enemies of the fraternal unity. But to those who seek help, even if they are confused spirits, mediums or very backward, it is a duty to attend to them with the necessary love. How ignorant or lying are those who believe or claim to receive only teachers!

The condition of a medium implies that he should place his faculties at the disposal of others, with no other interest than that of the common good. Any other tendency is contrary to his mission, and he must be warned against it, because it may be a case of the phenomena called Animism, Mixtification, or Supernaturalism. A medium must be an example of humility, without being confused with debasement. He is not subject to permitting humiliations, but less should he adopt high, arrogant, or supreme postures, because, being a very important link of communication between the material and the spiritual, he would harm himself.

Mediumnity is a psychic condition of persons of both sexes, who, if they are aware of the role they play, voluntarily submit themselves to disciplines of a moral, regulatory, and spiritual order, established in the Law of Mediumnity and the Ruling of Rigor. They must observe and abide by them, because they are the only guarantee in all credible manifestations, specifically in what concerns talking possession and mechanical writing. If these are not respected, deception is produced, well manipulated by spiritualist criminals.

In the practice of the medianimic faculties, the necessary knowledge is required on the part of the Director (or of the one who directs) and of the medium, as well as the most absolute seriousness of the members of the Council and the assistants; likewise, all that is received must be submitted to a rigorous analytical study, which implies deepening its metaphysics so as not to be surprised or fall into crude phenomena.

Easy phenomenism becomes a circus and is the product of credulity, mysticism, idolatry and fanaticism, errors that fatally lead to mix-ups and trickery (impersonation or gross deceit).

We all have some type and degree of mediumship, but for different reasons of justice, not all of us are entitled to use it, so it must be clear what a mediumship is. The dictionary has different meanings for the term: "Aptitude. Physical or moral power. Power and the right to do something". Consequently, faculty means to obtain authorization to practice. In this case, it is to have the authorization to be an intermediary between the material and the spiritual, an indispensable condition to promote the progress of the worlds and their inhabitants through the solidarity of love that comes from the Universal Creator and His laws.


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