Time to enjoy the good weather in a autumnal day

in GEMS3 years ago

Hello hivers, an happy Thursday to you all! I'm in a pause from work before to come back to the bookstore where we will have a book signing in the afternoon (for a new book about the famous italian poet Giacomo Leopardi).
During these days we are really busy and I have just few time for my artworks, but I really hope to come back soon to my usual "rhythms". ^_^

After the lunch I drank a good cup of coffee sitting in my backyard, cause today the weather is good enough to enjoy the fresh air under the branches of my plum tree.
While I was drinking my coffe a nice scenes in the (abandoned) garden close to mine captured my attention: Tigre (the friendly cat of my neighbor) was on the wall while my cat Richy was watching him. I couldn't resist and I took my camera to take some pics to share with you:




Aren't they a couple of beautiful furry friends?
There was no intention to fight, just a little intention to play together. ^_^
See ya soon and stay safe,

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder ( https://www.artfinder.com/silviabeneforti#/) and on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/vumap). I invite you to visit my NFT gallery on NFT Showroom (https://nftshowroom.com/silviabeneforti/gallery) ^_^ ****


Molto belle le foto.
Da poco sono diventato anche io un cat lover anche se il mio Cuki che è ancora un cucciolo spesso mi da un bel pò da fare :)
@tipu curate

Ho visto il tuo cucciolo, bellissimo!!! :D Sì, quando son cuccioli danno un bel da fare, ma fanno anche una tenerezza infinita. Il mio (che è quello che si intravede in basso nella seconda foto) lo abbiamo preso già adulto. Nonostante abbia avuto come compagni di percorso tanti amici pelosi, lui è stato il primo preso già "grande" (aveva circa 5-6 anni) e avevo paura non si affezionasse come fanno quando son piccini, invece mi ha stupito perché dopo pochi giorni era già coccolosissimo. ^_^

Richy is so photogenetic. Great photos Silvia.

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