📷 Fair souvenirs and handmade crafts

in GEMS3 years ago

Good day to all! I often like to walk at fairs and exhibitions, looking at numerous products and souvenirs, and I do not cease to be surprised by the boundless imagination of the masters.

I paid attention to the editions of Russian fairy tales in lacquer miniature.

it's nice that folk traditions are still interesting. Many students continue to learn old types of needlework, go to various clubs and organize exhibitions of folk art themselves...

They often feature interesting items made of talash, straw or jute.

Even from paper tubes, craftswomen weave not only baskets, but also original vases, caskets, all kinds of jewelry.

Here you will find whistles, bells, charms and rattles...

Each such figure is unique. Basically, chamotte clay or kaolin is used, and they are not afraid of frosts at all.

Do you like to attend such events? What do you pay attention to?

Thank you for Your attention and visit.
I appreciate Your feedback and comments.
I wish you luck and have a nice day!

Best wishes!
