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RE: Lindos recuerdos de secundaria •••• Nice memories of high school

in GEMS4 years ago

Seriously, the photo is from 2016. I thought it was from 2013 or so 😂😂😂.

I finished high school in the year 2016, and what I missed most is my friends. Ever since I left for college I lost connection with many of them, while the ones which we are still in contact, we don't talk anymore.

Let me say my bad times and good times in school were 50%.

Best moments was when I was surprisingly chosen as the head student for the school (student president), which I didn't run for it while worst ever moment was failing a paper on my best subject (Maths) in an external exam which I could boastfully say I answered over 60% correctly.


Why you thought they were from 2013 ? whaatt😂😂

I think the loss of many friends or people we considered friends is inevitable in some cases. I keep several incredibly, but it's because my city is very small hahaha

I don't think that test was so bad if you proudly answered more than half of it, I admire you! You seem to be a very smart boy

Well now I consider you a smart boy hahahahaha😁

Smile... You mean more of a smart young man. Don't be deceived by my stature. I'm older than my looks.

Smile... You mean more of a smart young man. Don't be deceived by my stature. I'm older than my looks.

Now I'm curious hahahaha


Guess my age and I would tell you if you are correct or wrong.