Breaking Free from Monotonous Routines through Dynamic Habits

in GEMS9 months ago

I like routines, a lot. It's a systematic way to do tasks without putting much mental effort into it. Too much thinking slows us down and some people often say that you can't be thinking and doing at the same time. You either think or you do, but not both at the same time.

Routines are also habits, which are the well-worn grooves etched into our minds, the automatic responses to stimuli that we all make.

For example, the way we reach for our phone each time it buzzes or how we instinctively tie our shoelaces before stepping out of the house.

In essence, habits are semiconscious if not subconscious grooves formed in our psyche. And they can be both our allies and adversaries; good habits can propel us forward and bad habits keep us stuck in mediocrity.

But what happens when routine hardens into monotony? When habits become chains rather than stepping stones? Our personal structure often crumbles under the weight of complacency.

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And we find ourselves trapped in a loop—wake, work, eat, sleep—like a moth fluttering against a dimly lit window.

Within this entrapment, we discover a paradox: routine, once our ally, now stifles us. The very habits that once propelled us forward now hold us captive and stifle our progress. We find it echoed in the saying; what get us here, won't take us there.

What are Dynamic Habits?

Dynamic habits are habits that introduce spontaneity to the rigidity of routines, helping us balance order and chaos in our lives. They essentially keep us on our toes while also challenging us to grow.

A good analogy to the mechanism of dynamic habits is a pendulum. Which in this case swings between order and chaos.

While order is the realm of stability, predictability, and security. Chaos is the realm of uncertainty, novelty, and risk. Both have their benefits and drawbacks. Too much order usually leads to boredom, stagnation, and rigidity. And too much chaos can lead to anxiety, confusion, and disorder.

Dynamic habits can be viewed as the gentle nudge that keeps the pendulum in motion, preventing us from falling into either extreme of order or chaos. This way we get to enjoy the best of both worlds without getting fixated on any.

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Creating dynamic habits is not as hard as it sounds. Based on personal experience, it does not really require a complete overhaul of one's existing routines or a drastic change in lifestyle.

Rather, it mostly requires some minor tweaks and adjustments that could make a big difference in the outcomes we get.

Tweaks And Adjustments

We generally have two types of routines; core and flexible. Core routines are the backbone of our personal structure. They are essential in helping us achieve our goals and maintain our well-being.

Examples of core routines could include waking up early, exercising regularly, meditating daily, reading books, etc.

Flexible routines are not essential for our success or happiness, but still add some value or enjoyment to our life.

Because of their flexibility they can be changed or modified without compromising our core routines. Examples may include watching TV shows, playing video games, or browsing social media.

A common adjustment that I like to make is to add some challenges to my core routines. This is a good way to combat complacency, as the more challenge there is, the more potential for growth and development.

In practice, this could happen through waking up earlier than usual or meditating longer than usual.

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Adding variety to flexible routines is something that I seldom do. I prefer watching the same TV show over and over again just to understand the different or implicit perspectives and meanings of the show.

But a good case can be made for tweaking flexible routines through variation. The science is that it is preferable to know a little about a lot than a lot about a little.

Besides, flexible routines also bring spontaneity because every variation is like an adventure with an unpredictable outcome.

Dynamic habits leverage the power of both order and chaos in our lives. Providing us with enough stability to keep us grounded(core routines) and enough novelty to keep us stimulated(flexible routines).

On another viewpoint, it functions on both left and right hemispheres of the brain, creating a balanced mental atmosphere.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.


That is a new way to see the routines. I think you have a valid point there to prevent us from doing the monotonous routines.
the hardest part I think is doing it consistently.

Right, doing it consistently would be hard in the beginning as it will be something unfamiliar or outside one's comfort zone. But monotonous routines can also become so soul crushing that finding alternatives and sticking to them would be worthwhile.

Thanks for stopping by :)

This article is quite helpful to me, you described me briefly there. My life is centred on routine and when things shifts, it unsettles me but like you said, I can be flexible while still holding onto my core. Cheers

The unsettling situation when a shift happens is also familiar to me. I used to freak out in those situations lol but I eventually recognized there's a way to balance both without totally losing any.

Glad that the article is helpful and thanks for stopping by :)

Yes it was helpful... you're welcome

an interesting read indeed! 😃 can agree that one can get too complacent with a fixed routine, so juggling one's responsibilities is a sure way to keep one on their toes, enlightening to know this article, thanks for sharing! ☺️

Right. Fixed routines over time put us more into our comfort zone than out of it. Increasing the intensity of our core routines can be a good way to snap out of complacency.

Thanks for the curation and for stopping by :)

forget to share some !PIZZA and !LUV to you. : )

Thank you my friend :)


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