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RE: Where to Start? @ahmadmanga Stories (2023 Edition)

in GEMSlast year

I've always been interested in magic and technology themes. I feel the combination creates wonderful stories that explore hidden longings and the relativity of the world. I will definitely create the time and give them a read. The titles are amusing :)


Yeah, I love Magic and Technology too. I don't think I wrote a story that truly combines them, but I have a lot of stories for each in my list. If you like High Fantasy, I really recommend "A Fascinating Legacy" If you read that one, can you say what you think a sequel would be about?

If you like Urban Fantasy, you might enjoy "Your Heart will Remember." For technology-based stories you might like ""Hello. World..."" or "Saya is Offline"

If you want to read short stories, youmight love "Dead Lands Never Bloom" and "Galaxy News"

Meet you at another one of my stories.~ !PIZZA !LUV

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll give them a look and create time to read them. I started reading Saya is Offline and it is interesting :)

Will wait for your feedback.~