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RE: An amazing Sunrise in the Mountains for me alone

in GEMS4 years ago

Yeah to me its a win Win, he was getting into photograp[her a couple of years ago and often was asking questions, her had some changes in his life and took a break but wants to get back into it after the virus so it could be good timing for us


That's really cool and I'm happy for you. He also can show you around and you will see places which you might not have found if you were alone.

exactly and although I love exploring a new place myself and seeing what I can find, having someone who knows the area and who is into photography is a good thing of course

I think so too and am looking forward to probably completely different photos than we are used to from you 😁

I am looking forward to the change as well, I do love NYC and where I live but a change will be nice for sure

When the landscape is nice and there are some beautiful places to photograph I believe you will learn to love your new home too ... and you are close to your family 🙂

ohh yeah whatever the new city will bring I will put a positive spin on it :)

And I wish you the best luck for that it all will become as you wish and hope 😊