Rain is not good for Rape crop at this stage

in GEMS4 years ago

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As the rape crop is in very good shape in Pakistan and India but the present prevailing rainy season is not good because the rape crop is near maturity.

If the season remain as for few days then its lodging occurs and then harvesting especially with combine harvester is very difficult. Then this will be a great loss of yield and ultimately the loss of the farmers in Indo-Pak region.

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When the rape crop is near maturity then we have to harvest the crop because we can save from the shattering of the napus seed. The rape crop is very sensitive to wind storm and rain when they are mature. Therefore the mature crop is very sensitive and if the harvesting delayed due some reason then there will be great losses . If this rainy season prevail for few days then it will damage the rape crop and there will be great effect on the yield of rape grain crop and farmers will be effected much more. I pray for good season for the good production of rape crop.


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