Might Win for Success...

in GEMS8 months ago



If I’m given a chance to create everything by scratch again,
I will do the same thing all over again, but I want it to be simple as everything else
If I’m given a chance to study what needs to be done,
I will give time to myself every day to learn early and do it early…

Should you be able to see the wrong in everything that has been done?
Or would you be able to understand and keep the lessons instead?
Should you be able to see the changes in every little opportunity life has given you?
Or would you be able to redo all these chances all over again…

When will you know if you have to give up or still keep believing in this dream?
Shall you be open to whatever circumstance comes your way?
When will you know if you have to keep trusting your instincts?
Shall you be open to whatever advice that comes your path…

Daily progress is never enough for you to succeed, but it will prepare you for something
Daily learning is no guarantee for your success, but it will give you experience
Daily creativity is no guarantee for success, but it will squeeze your mind to the fullest
Daily gains will not guarantee your success, but they might help you win for your success…

Daily learning
Daily progress
Believing in your dream
Every little opportunity


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your own destiny and the maker of your own dreams…”

tikatarot sign.png