So now I speak What is Love?

in GEMS3 years ago

We say love is the Ocean
So big, strong and rich
But what if people built Dams
On every Ocean to control and use it
Will it's characters still bear?


Love is the wind
Wow, so free, gentle and wild
But what if you were in a Vacuum?
Will you still breath?

Love are Roses
Yeah so much fragrant, beauty and colours
Then the Sun and drought came
Will it still blossom?

Love is Money
Power, Fame and Relevance
Should I say it? Well you know it's end
When money start growing winds.

Love is anything and everything
You can imagine but it will always
Always have disadvantages or opposite
We all yarn for love and acceptances
From sources and people
That will never move our love meter
To a degree of what we want.

Or meet our Love Efficient Ratio
But we keep forgetting one important truth
Love is not things or people
Actions, deeds or affection
None of them.

My Father wrote in His most precious Will
For me so permit me to share it
"Love your neighbor as thy self"
Why, because He is Love himself

Also He said I am Him and He is Me
So if I don't love me? How can I love another?
So a little math here
4x = 16
What is X?

So a lot of people go finding "X"
By comparing 4 and 16
But you forget that 4x can also = 4
Or 24, 36 even 2,220.
But what if it was 53.67?

Well stop comparing 4 and whatever outcome
It's not about them
It's about 4x?
Because they know who they are
They determine and choose their outcome

Love starts and begin with ME
I mean YOU
When you realize that then you know
Building Dam won't stop you

Not vacuum or sun
Even dessert nor the worst ever situation
Because am the SOURCE of Love
I got GOD in my inside
Constantly producing and reproducing
Himself in me

So I am 4 and He is my Secret X
So how I relate with Him determines my outcome


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