My little darling. / Mi pequeño consentido

in GEMS4 years ago


That such a dear community of gems, today I want to introduce you to a little boy who is part of my family, his name is Fabrizzio, he is my godson and was born in January of this year, besides he had the opportunity to live with me for 3 weeks approximately.

Que tal querida comunidad de gems, hoy quiero presentarles a un pequeñin que hace parte de mi familia, se llama Fabrizzio, es mi ahijado y nació en Enero de este año, ademas tuvo la oportunidad de vivir conmigo 3 semanas aproximadamente.

He is my little boy because he is the youngest of all my godchildren, in addition his mother and I have a very strong bond of friendship, we are almost brothers, since my father is the godfather of his mother, and the grandparents of this little boy are my godfathers, my "comadre " and I know each other from childhood and we have shared over the years a great friendship and brotherhood, we used to make jokes to each other and share much together, but now that he is my mother we treat each other with more respect, moderate jokes and with the same love.

Es mi pequeño consentido por que que es el mas joven de todos mis ahijados, ademas su madre y yo tenemos un vinculo de amistad muy fuerte, somos casi hermanos, ya que mi papá es padrino de su madre, y los abuelos de este pequeñín son mis padrinos, mi comadre y yo nos conocemos desde pequeños y hemos compartido a lo largo de estos años una gran amistad y hermandad, solíamos hacernos bromas unos a los otros y compartir mucho juntos, pero ahora que es mi comadre nos tratamos con mas respeto, bromas moderadas y con el mismo cariño.

The day of Fabrizzio's baptism./El día del bautizo de Fabrizzio.

I had him in my arms when he was 3 days old, he was extremely small and beautiful, he seemed to me the most tender baby in the world, he didn't cry when I threw a tantrum, he was very calm, and very awake for his young age. Whenever I could take pictures of him with his little eyes open, I did it.

Lo tuve es mis brazos cuando tenia 3 días se nacido, era sumamente pequeño y bello, me parecía el bebe mas tierno del mundo, no lloraba mi hacia berrinches, era super tranquilo, y muy despierto para su corta edad. Siempre que podía tomarle fotos con sus ojitos abiertos lo hacia.





He was the most spoiled in my house, when he finished eating or woke up, we all wanted to hold him in our arms, it was inevitable, he seemed so adorable and tender that we all had him for a while, I always competed with my mom.

Era el mas consentido en mi casa, cuando terminaba de comer o se despertaba, todos queríamos tenerlo en nuestros brazos, era inevitable, nos parecía tan adorable y tierno que todos lo teníamos un rato, yo siempre competía con mi mamá.




Now Fabrizzio is 5 months old, and he's a super-wakey baby, babbling words and always laughing with our funny faces, and he gets upset when I don't give him my glasses to play with.

Ahora Fabrizzio tiene 5 meses, y es un bebe super despierto, balbucea palabras y siempre se ríe con nuestras caras graciosas, y se molesta cuando no le doy mis lentes para que juegue con ellos.




We always go to visit him, because as I mentioned his grandparents are my godparents, and that is my second home, I lived there for many years as a child, and we go there as often as possible. When we arrive I compete again with my mom to hold him in my arms, and to be able to play with him, he is already much bigger and it is fun to make him laugh.

Siempre vamos a visitarlo, pues como mencione sus abuelos son mis padrinos, y esa es mi segunda casa, viví muchos años de pequeño allí, y vamos lo mas seguido posible. Cuando llegamos vuelvo a competir con mi mamá por tenerlo en los brazos, y poder jugar con el, ya esta mucho mas grande y es divertido hacerlo reír.



One of the funniest things is to see how he gets upset when he sees himself on camera, starts babbling about his reflection, laughs, and talks to himself. He's a very alert child for his age.

Una de las cosas mas graciosas es ver como se molesta al verse en la cámara, comienza a balbucear con su reflejo, se ríe, y habla con el mismo. Es un niño muy despierto para su edad.




On one occasion I shot a video of him, starting his porridge, and he was very upset because he could not eat well with the spoon, we all laughed because he wanted to eat his porridge very quickly.

En una ocasión grabe un vídeo de el, comienzo su papilla, y estaba muy molesto por que no podía comer bien con la cuchara, todos nos reímos por que el quería comer su papilla muy rápido.


I have 6 godchildren, 3 girls who are ages 9-7-4-3 in that order, and 2 boys one of 3 years, and Fabrizzio of 5 months is the youngest, now you understand why it is my spoiled, even so, all my godchildren I love, and the funny thing is that they are all my little cousins, children of my cousin-brothers. We are a very close family, and in previous posts, I have said that I am the one in charge of taking care of the children, so I think that is why they wanted me to be their godfather and second father.

Yo tengo 6 ahijados, 3 niñas que son de las edades de 9-7-4-3 años en ese orden, y 2 varones uno de 3 años, y Fabrizzio de 5 meses es el mas pequeño, ahora entienden por que es mi consentido, aun así, a todos mis ahijados los quiero, y lo mas gracioso es que todos son mis primitos, hijos de mis primos-hermanos. Somos una familia muy unida, y en anteriores post, he dicho que soy el encargado de cuidar a los niños, así que creo que por eso, quisieron que yo fuera su padrino y segundo papá.


I talked to my "comadre", so I could introduce Fabrizzio here and she gave me her approval.

Le comente a mi comadre, para poder presentar a Fabrizzio aquí y me dio su aprobación.

Without further ado I say goodbye, a greeting to the whole community of gems.

Sin mas nada que decir me despido, un saludo a toda la comunidad de gems.

All the photos were taken by me with my Xiaomi Mi A3./Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mi con mi Xiaomi Mi A3.