All the things I have in common with Kanye West

in GEMS4 years ago

I just listened to Joe Rogans podcast with Kanye. I haven’t been a huge fan of Kanye West. I liked his first album when it first came out, all the soul samples messed around with to be high pitched and the grooves and the flow and all that but MAN get over yourself.

And then I listened to this episode and I think I finally understand what’s up with this guy. He spoke rather eloquently for 3 hours about “redesigning society” and I have to say I agree with him on 70% of what he says. It became obvious from the interview that he needs time to organize his ideas and that if he doesn’t have that time, he says things that sound incoherent cause he blurts it out all jumbled.

He’s not insane...but he is probably emotionally unstable, self-important and still thinks it’s cool to constantly brag. Whatever though, I mean, I haven’t achieved 2% of what he has so I’ll shut up

My main takeaway is that he is clearly exceptionally intelligent. He just has very little discipline and so we get to hear all the little randomness that goes on inside whenever he opens his mouth.

I also think he has a lot in common with me (did I just cal myself genius? 😛 see, I told you we have a lot in common). When he talks about thinking three dimensionally and his ideas being an orchestra with many instrument that harmonize together, I totally get it, that’s exactly how I think, and a lot of people don’t understand it.

My mind is constantly making connections, both logical and experiential. It happens automatically and constantly and this is the most tangible source of most of my superpowers, it’s why I can get people in Asia to treat me like a local despite obviously not being one, by subconsciously adopting little behaviors and mannerisms even when I’m breaking the customs and norms. It’s how I know things about people that they don’t know about themselves. It’s how I catch trends before the masses. It’s also why I’ve had such a hard time in society. I’m really good at 3d but not too good at 2d, and if I don’t give myself space to organize my thoughts, it comes out as a jumbled mess.

It’s also really easy to have an ego when you see shit other people don’t seem to notice, and with ease. I was put in my place, maybe a bit too much, as it stopped me in my tracks so I barely achieved anything for 19 years of my life and then moved in slow motion for another 10 years. Kanye on the other hand has had enough to fuel to his ego and only gets checked by a media which is unfair and unreasonable. So it makes sense that he’s got that ego. But this is where the maniacal genius comes from. It’s not that they’re maniacs, it’s that it’s damn hard for others to understand you when you functions in more dimensions than people know exist.

I know it’s not just me and Kanye and some other CEOs and pop stars. I know there are a lot of people like us. There are a lot of things we get mistaken for, but in the end I think it’s Nurture as much as Nature, maybe more so. A lot of kids have this scolded and medicated out of them. Perhaps we are just the ones who weren’t successfully socialized. I have no idea what percentage of people are like this, but I know there are others here and they are likely to read this. There are also others who can’t relate at all.

I remember when news of COVID started people were all confused. I was eating lunch in a park and pigeons came up to me and wanted my food. I scared the shit out of one pigeon and all the pigeons reacted to that pigeons fear and flew away. They watched from a tree and slowly started to make their way back.

“I’m corona” I said to my friend.


I explained to him how similar humans reacting to COVID looked to the pigeons reacting to my foot stomp. “Hmmmm”

“Wait tell me your mind doesn’t make associations like that constantly?”

“Nah, maybe if I really think about it”.

It’s automatic and instant for me, perhaps from practice or perhaps because I just wasn’t beaten out of me. Maybe it’s genetic I don’t know, but some people just don’t function like that. I can’t focus on one thing like him though!

As far as him wanting to be president, I think he’s be far better than these two guys 6 days a week, but that other day I’d worry about. You don’t want someone with such a history of breakdowns to have their finger on the button. If he can go 4 years without a meltdown, maybe I’ll reconsider.

What about your brain? How does it function? Can you relate to me and Kanye? Or do you think we are crazy?



I don't think you're crazy at all 😄

I can relate to not being able to express my jumbled up thoughts properly

"And the aliens, and life is a program and the time is now and you never know when you are dreaming, so capitalism and crypto currency and don't quit!"

Something like that? 😂