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RE: Gosh! Where has the time gone?

in GEMS2 years ago

Time is simply flying. My mother used to say that once I became 18 years old, time will fly so fast that I do not even notice. She was right. I am currently 29 years old, but it feels like as if my 18th birthday would have been yesterday. She passed away on 2017.12.17 because of brain tumor (cancer). She was 64 years old. She did everything for us (for my brother and for me). She loved us more than anything.

Either way, I wish a Merry Christmas to everyone.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


Merry Christmas to you too!!! So sorry about your mom. I’m sure this time of year is tough without her. But I’m sure she raised you wonderfully.

Hope you have a lovely Christmas and a happy New year.