Mi presentacion en Hive.

in GEMS3 years ago

Hello Hive community my name is Yemili Perez I am 29 years old, I live in Venezuela state Sucre, I am a mother of three wonderful children and I dedicate myself to elaborate designs of crafts, pastries, sweets and snacks.

Hola comunidad de Hive mi nombre es Yemili Perez tengo 29 años de edad, vivo en Venezuela estado Sucre, soy madre de tres maravillosos niños, me dedico a elaborar diseños de manualidades, repostería, dulces y pasapalos.


First of all I am a person who believes in the Christian faith.

Antes que todo soy una persona que cree en la fe cristiana.


My goal is to learn from the different contents that are uploaded daily in the different communities.

Mi finalidad es aprender de los diversos contenidos que a diario se suben en las diferentes comunidades.

Thank you for accepting me on this platform.

Gracias por aceptarme en esta plataforma.

Thank you for reading my presentation.

Gracias por leer mi presentación.

See you later!

¡Hasta luego.!



Welcome yemili!
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Hello @yemili!

This is @fionasfavourites from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive - congratulations and welcome! It would also be awesome if you could do a more detailed introduction post, so our community can get to know you better. For an example of what an intro post is like, you can check out this one by my friend & curation team member - Keeping Up With the Buzz – My Introduction to the Hive Community.

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out – [Hive Communities] (https://peakd.com/communities).

Also since you're new, you may run into an RC (Resource Credits) error when trying to comment/post because you don't yet have enough Hive in your account yet. For assistance with a temporary delegation to get you started, be sure to check out the Gift Giver site.

For now, @lovesniper will follow your account and we are looking forward to seeing your intro post. Also, please mention @lovesniper in your intro post in order for us to be notified, so we can consider your post for OCD curation. Feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server if you have any questions!

Welcome to Hive! 😊

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You received more than 10 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 50 upvotes.

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Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!


¡Felicidades! @yemili ¡Tu publicación ha sido votada por @semillasdeamor¡

Bienvenida a Hive estamos felices de que estes con nosotros te invito a revisar esta guía de recursos Hive de @victoriabsb y esta Sobre el correcto uso de las etiquetas de @ilaz.aliento para que poco a poco te vayas familiarizando con los conceptos y uso correcto de la plataforma. Estaremos felices de poder ayudarte si lo necesitas.