Hope vs Hopelessness || What's the difference?

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

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Dear Friends!

how are you? it is my video , its topic is hope and hopeless feeling in life, so i talked in detail in this video about these two words, and how these two words make our life best or worse in some movements, so it is also important to know that what is hope, and what is hopelessness that we have in our life, so all these talk is base on these two words,

so these two how lead us to success and when these two words lead to worse area of life, so so in these both cause what should be our decission to take life to best road,s o i talked in this video with detail , i recorded the video last day but i could not share with you, so hope you all will enjoy it and will find it more informative in these both cause if you have or get in life any time in future

hope you all will leave comments under my video after watching it.

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hello dear friend @yousafharoonkhan good day
You are very right in what you say on this subject, I appreciate that you have played and will give your opinion on it,
Hope is very important for growth in the whole area of our life, and as for despair, we must never fall into it.
have a great day dear friend

thank respected for your appreciation in this regards,