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RE: Charity and Empowerment on the blockchain - some thoughts

in Charity4 years ago

Also check out this list from @achimmertens of some projects worth supporting.
He also started CHARY coin (and this charity community) so he's another good person to be discussing all this with!


Cheers thanks
Just having a look now.

Just sent a response to you and tagged a few people in it and I'm going to link in your paper and my response to my blog tonight on the iamaalive community and hopefully, people will start having lightbulbs flashing in their brains and want to collaborate on this awesome project!

Thank you so much once again Basil, you've got no idea how excited I am about this! (and more desire to continue on on Hive....not to mention the amount of people that would join Hive if they knew that there was a platform like this on it.) 😀