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RE: Results of Week 18 - The Weekly Hive Charity Giveaway

in Charity3 years ago

If she's my boss she has to do the work I'm doing now ... cooool 😀 anyone can have my job, but no one wants it.

We will see what the next months will bring and if she really like her new job, because nobody has told her what it's all about...

I do hope that too, but I don't believe it, to be honest.

Have a great day too, my friend 🔆

Cheers and !BEER


It's always when the real work starts that they run away Hannes.
Let's hope that this one will stay as it is worth so much to you, so you must treat her like gold.
Maybe the Lord sent you a gift to help with your patience 🤣

Yeah, you are right as we are not known for listening to the repaeted warnings of nature.

Cheers and thanks!

Well, I do hope you are right, but at the moment and certainly in the next months she means more work for me because I have to tell what to do and I have to look if she does it right...
... and even then she will not be a gift.

Cheers and !BEER

Right, I am back and had to do my post first Hannes,

So yeah maybe a couple of months double duty to train her and even a year maybe, but look on the bright side as you certainly do need a helper and onve she is fully trained, you will only need to step in here and there.

Look at this guy still having to help himself and he had 2 helpers that he was training😜

I think that the duck helpers asked the goat to teach them how to make a nest ? 🤣

Cheers and thanks!

Good evening Zac,

time will tell, but it will be years, not months 😭

I'd prefer to have two ducks - if they don't do their work I can sell them to a Chinese Restaurant 🤣

Have a nice evening my friend 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Good afternoon Hannes,

So what? When it's done it's done and she will say that she did it all by herself 🤣

My secret is that I like Chinese Pekin duck as it is very tasty.

May you guys also have a nice evening my friend.

Cheers and thanks!

Hi Zac,

ask me in a month or so and I will tell you how it's going 🤔

Yep, that's exactly what I meant by selling to a Chinese Restaurant, because I'd spend the money I get to eat the ducks there 🤣

You have a nice evening too ☺️

Cheers and !BEER

I will be sure to ask you every coming month how things are going Hannes 🙏

A wise rotating business decision there my friend, just be sure that they serve you duck and not some old cheap chicken camouflaged as a duck 🤣

Marian says sis, you guys are talking about eating those cute little things 🤣

Have a nice day boet.

Cheers and thanks!

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