Today's mission is a tree's garden | CLEANPLANET - 09/04/2024 |

in CLEAN PLANET2 months ago

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Hey citizens, my mission today was a trees garden, meaning this tuesday morning I cleaned plastic from a tree garden.We all should protect trees from harmful plastic so this is my effort.


Friends, our office is closed on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, so I woke up a little late today and went to a trees garden.I went to an trees garden in our area at 9 am.The gardrn is very beautiful and natural, many people from the neighborhood spend time there.So while spending time in the garden this morning I saw some plastic stuck to the garden land.I then removed them and threw them in the dustbin which you will see in today's video so I invite you to watch today's video.Friends remember tree is our true friend because of trees our world is beautiful and we get oxygen.Trees give us rest so we should protect all trees from harmful plastic (@cleanplanet @solarisfuture - 09/04/2024).

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Nice to see you come up with another clean planet video.
You cleaned some old plastic bags from a very beautiful place.
Keep up the good work.
Have a nice week ahead.
Thank you so much for sharing.

Thank you for cleaning up the plastic in a tree garden full of Hariyad. Trees are very important for our life so we should protect them. Similarly keep trying to keep our planet clean.

I feel happy when I see people like you guys who are responsible about cleaning our beloved planet. Brother you are doing great by cleaning the surrounding and also I request you with every cleaning you also plant trees, flowers and plants

happy evening dear and first advance eid mumbrk, there is great hope that tommrow is eid day.

you visited this tree garden, there was really a lot of garbage, plastic, you cleaned this area, you protected the trees roots from plastic, becasue of plastic water can not reach to roots , so you made great effort, thank you for cleaning this area, and protecting the green lush tree garden from plastic , thank dear

Good bro, today you have done a great job by cleaning the garbage from among the trees because it is very important to clean the garbage from the trees.

The gardens must be kept clean, otherwise the plastic bags spoil them from the front of the field, the plants are malnourished and there is a possibility of getting infected with various diseases, and if people go there, mosquitoes can bite them, so thank you very much for doing such a nice job to protect the environment. We all have to come forward.