GARDENJOURNAL. How I grow cucumbers on a windowsill!

in Agricultural Mindset3 years ago (edited)

Hello, my friends!

When the spring comes, I really want to feel like a gardener!

I really like to dig around, grow something nice and clean by myself.

But I don’t have an open-air garden, I can’t even plant ten different vegetable plants on the patch.

In this case, a garden on the windowsill comes to my aid!

It’s good when you can plant these same vegetables in pots or bags.

Grow vegetables in the house on the windowsill.

And get a good harvest!

You just have to pick up special vegetable seeds.

For three years, I’ve enjoyed doing housekeeping, which is my favorite hobby!

Mostly while I was growing tomatoes on the windowsill.

But last year, 2020, I decided to try to grow a house cucumber.

She bought at the garden shop the seeds of a special cucumber hybrid from the agribusiness firm Manuel - Balcony F1.

I liked that the grower of these seeds promised a good growth of the cucumber hybrid very in room conditions.

The hybrid is resistant to various unfavourable conditions on the windowsill - possible shading, dry air, small amount of soil in the pot.

Well, and most importantly, the cucumber hybrid Balcony F1 is parthenocarpic, meaning it does not require special pollination manipulations.

The seeds of the cucumber Balcony F1 were packed in a colorful bag.

1. Пакет.jpg

Cucumber seeds in the package are quite large.

3. семена.jpg

I have enough to plant a cucumber on the windowsill for several years, because every year I plan to grow just one plant.

Early in the spring, I planted a cucumber hybrid F1 in a peat pot.

The seedlings developed well.

When the cucumber grew a little bit, I transplanted it directly with a peat pot into a big 6-liter pot with nutrient soil.


First the cucumber grew under my phytolamp.

Well, and since April, I’ve moved the plant pot onto the windowsill, a permanent place of residence.

The natural light of day was already enough.

I watched my pet grow.

4. растет.jpg

And I noticed that this cucumber hybrid Balcony F1 has some peculiarities as it grows.

Over the 6-7 leaf, the lateral stepsons begin to appear.

And then the cucumber begins to bloom and tie the fruit!

I didn’t pollinate these flowers. Small fruits appeared on their own.

As the cucumber was constantly fertilized with all kinds of organics (bird droppings, potassium humate, banana peel infusion, ash), the fruits appeared many, and they were not yellow and did not fall.

Each node had one or two fetuses.


What can I say about the seeds and the Balcony F1 cucumber hybrid from the Manuel agribusiness firm?

This variety is very good!

The plant is growing rapidly, and the leaves of this hybrid are not as large as those of open ground varieties.


With good care, this hybrid produces a good harvest!

Cucumbers are small - I had six-ten centimeters.


Cucumbers are lumpy and with thorns.


To taste the first fruits were a little watery and tasteless.

But the subsequent ones are very fragrant, with pronounced fresh taste.


I made salads with my homemade cucumbers, and it was nice just to eat fresh fruit at the end of the winter.

When my pet started the mass fruiting, I first counted the number of cucumbers taken.

But then I lost track, and I stopped doing statistics.

However, I can tell you that in a few months of life, a cucumber has removed about 20 fruits.

The cucumber could continue to please the crop.

But unfortunately, in early May, the window sill was very hot.

I tried to keep the plant in the shade and spray it regularly with water, but the cucumber did not survive the heat.

The leaves began to dry and yellow.

The soil in the pot became dense.

I had to cut the cucumber and throw it away, even though it had a lot of ties and flowers on it.

The cucumber Balcony F1 grew on my windowsill for only three months.

But it gave a fairly good harvest, delicious and ecologically clean fruit!

That’s the story of growing a cucumber on a windowsill!

Decided to publish the post as part of the community @naturalmedicine action.
Let it be my #gardenjournal number 1!

I invite my friends to participate in the Contest!


The terms of this beautiful stock are here!


Давно я не видел огурцов на балконе.
У меня был друг, так в детстве у них на подоконнике росли помидоры. И казалось, что эот самые вкусные помидоры на всем белом Свете.
Уже потом я узнал про помидоры черри. Но чтобы дома выращивали помидоры я больше никогда ни у кого не видел.

У меня растут))) Но пока не выбрала самый подходящий сорт. Напишу об этом обязательно!


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Я пользовался долгое время peakd, но отошел от него. Но с него хорошо на биржу заходить. и делегирование делать.

Да, я тоже пока двумя клинтами одновременно пользуюсь ))

Александр, вот Вы опытный пользователь блокчейна...
Хочу понять - а почему стим-доллар сейчас стоит 6 долларов, а хайв-доллар даже чуть меньше 1 доллара... Какая-то диспропорция большая...При примерно одинаковой стоимости обычных стима и хайва...

Я сам удивляюсь тому, что Steemбакс имеет такой курс.
И чйорт его знает почему.
Я так понимаю, что мы не можем повлиять на это. Поэтому воспринимаю как должное.
Лучше и там и там.
может @qwerrie что-от знает по этому поводу или @bambuka

весь прошлый год, ну большую его часть, СТД вовсе не стоил даже двух долларов. когда до трёх поднялся - мы все офигели. а так, расслабьтесь. стим - спекулятивный актив, и это все что вам необходимо о нем знать. боже упаси вкладывать в него свои реальные деньги, если вдруг шальная мысль вас посещала. кто-то раскачивает качели, подкупая стимы во время их нижней точки, и сливая на пике в доллары-биткойны, чтобы закупиться после очередного падения. а для этого нужно вложить большие деньжищи, чтобы быть игроком а не мелкой щепкой к-ю носит по волнам (или, если угодно, менее политкорректно: мелким лузером, который поверил что легко может срубить криптокапусты как все, но принципов криптовалютного рынка и блокенйа не разумеет - и будет безжалостно обобран. вот это все что я знаю наверняка.

а в остальном - знал бы прикуп, жыл бы в сочи

Не иначе, как сам сэр Джастин решил поиграть со скуки 😀

Вот, заодно спрошу))
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I like the cucumber plant, great that you can also plant this plant inside. I have basil and cress by the window.