A visit to my coconut tree in our farm land

Greetings my beloved hivers

Good to meet you all, how are you guys doing, hope you all are doing great.
It a pleasure to share with you all about my visits to my coconut tree in our land.

Well it been a while since i planted my some coconut in our land, that was last year procession, i planted this for a purpose for future use, you know as an Akwaibomite we have work hard for a better tomorrow, that what my Dad always said that to me, what my Dad planted is what we are surviving today he planted many things like palm fruits coconut tree and many things, all this really helps, like this coconut tree, it have many beneficial ways, we can use it to produce oil, use it to cook rice, which is coconut rice, which is our favorite food, and now we can uproot it and sell because it is so costly.

So i always fellow my dad to our farm land to see how he plants them, i discover he normally nursing them in one cool and comfortable place, then after 4 to 5 months they will germinated then he started transplanting them.
That was exactly what i do, so since last year so dicided to come visit and check on how it is but thank God it are successfully grown up.

Thank you so much for reading through.

 12 days ago  

@tipu curate

Thank sir for your support