Garden Update: Planted The Seeds We Bought Last Time... <3

in Agricultural Mindsetlast year (edited)

Hey friends! It's time to give an update about the seeds I purchased and shared here last time.

Last weekend, we were able to get some healthy soil, temporary and recycled pots and finally plant the seeds.

We temporarily placed them in these containers until they're seedlings... then, we're going to replant them in a much bigger pot... as well as in the common garden for the community. Now, let me tell you what happened that day. :)

Since we want to plant the seeds temporarily until they become seedlings, papa helped in transforming these used plastic bottles into pots. They're mostly alcohol bottles, so before putting in the soil, mama also had to wash them. In addition, one of them contained oil and the other chlorine, so washing them... especially the inner part was a must.

Our neighbor, Kuya Rolly (ate Melda's husband), helped us get some healthy soil. This is just inside our community, so we're free to do so. The soil surrounding our house is dry and not good for plants, soo we often get healthy soil somewhere else to put in our pots.

My duty is to mix the soil and some rice husks. You may notice in my other posts, our plants' pots usually have rice husks. It has a certain mineral in it which is useful as a fertilizer for plants.

After mixing them, I'd have to transfer them to our makeshift pots, so we can plant various seeds separately as well. I had so much fun that I forgot my hand was actually injured. I just remembered it when it started aching again. lol It's all better now, though. I can play mobile games again! haha

It's confirmed that the soil is indeed healthy because I saw this little guy while transferring it to another container. I just made him stay there. :)

Once they're all set, it's time to plant the seeds. Among all of us, ate Melda has the "greenest thumb" hahah, so we asked her to do it while I do the documenting and labeling. :)

We have to water the soil a bit before planting the seeds. We also gave some of the seeds to ate Melda, so she can grow them in their house as well.

We planted mostly the bonsai ones into these makeshift pots, as well as the two types of lettuce which are iceberg and romaine.

We didn't have enough container, so we placed the regular okra seeds beside the
tomato in this old basin. Since the container is quite huge, we placed it in the backyard alongside other plants in a much bigger container.

This one is regular eggplant...

This one is for red onions and spring onions.

In order to speed up the germination process, we wrapped them in plastic. It's also pretty rainy these days, so this would also serve as protection. We'll just open them to get some sunlight for a couple of hours and cover them again.

We planted them last weekend, so it's only been 3-4 days since then. When I checked them this morning, the iceberg lettuce as well as the regular and bonsai okra has started to grow.

I couldn't take a picture of the smaller pots since we covered them again, but I went to our backyard again after lunch to snap a picture of the regular okra...

Aren't they cute??? I hope they continue to grow into healthy seedlings, then we can replant them soon. I also hope the other seeds to grow soon. <3

Also, here's an update on our Chinese cabbage. Yaaaaay!!! They look much healthier than last time. Don't you think so, too??? :)

I'm so excited to see them grow well. It's always been a dream for me to have my own farm with lots of plants and animals, but since I can't do that YET, I'd settle for this little garden... for now. ;)

Thanks for checking out my post! See you next time!!!! <3


Excellent work. Really enjoyed following your progress in this blog.

The way you organize and plan your sown seeds into the bagged and labeled plastic cartons, I feel like I learned so much. This looks like a very effective method.

Hope your gaming hand recovers well.

Thank you very much. :) It's also pretty fun for me to see the progress and share it here. I took some progress shots again this morning, but I'll share it in a couple more days when there are more seedlings showing up... Glad to know that I could be of some help. ^^

Thanks a lot. My hand is much better now and was able to play a couple matches last night. <3

 last year  

Wow. This is a great job you did you and your family members. I can see you guys really working on this s hard. Yes, giving more creativity to the Agricultural Mindset is the best way to move forward and to carry thousands of people alone with you. Well-done @tegoshei

Thank you so much. Yes, we are really enjoying this new small vegetable garden that we have started. I'm monitoring their growth every day, so I can also update it in this community. It's so amazing to see them grow each day. We're thinking of replanting some of the bigger seedlings this weekend... almost all of them have started to sprout except for the regular eggplant. Hopefully, I can see some cute sprout soon. :)

 last year  

@tipu curate