
Hello hivers ❤, It your favorite blogger @yusufkenny. I wanna talk about pawpaw Which is also refer to as papaya, This fruit is very nutritional aside it been been enjoyed as sweet fruit across the whole world.

Pawpaw is more than just a fruit, is health benefit is incomparable to the sweetness we get from it when we eat it as fruit. Its an excellent source of Vitamin A,B, E and k.

We benefit a lot from pawpaw consumption but its also serve as medicinal source of many medicine to take care of our skin,Hair e.t.c.It even been used to make cream for smooth skin,clear rashes and scar.Nothing is useless concerning pawpaw from the leaf, to the seed and the pawpaw itself.The seed and leaf is very medicinal used to fade away wrinkles,tighten the skin and also makes it glow.









  • Clear rashes off the skin
  • Fade away wrinkles
  • Clear burnt and scar
  • Weight loss
  • Boost our vision
  • ease menstrual pain
  • It helps boost immunity
  • Healthy hair
  • Reduces cholesterol

Pawpaw is just a lessing from GOD to humans, we eat it as fruit and also serve as medicinal source.pawpaw is a fruit we should be eating frequently because of many health benefit we get from it.

It can grow anywhere, not just the farmland or field.you can plant it in your compound also,But u will need a lot of fertilizer to help it grow.pawpaw likes heat a lot(direct sunlight) and also make sure to water it frequently during the dry season.

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Your favorite blogger @yusufkenny ✌✌✌💯.......


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