Things you forgot (but I haven't)

Splinterlands is really mooning

But you haven't forgotten about that. It is everywhere. SPS airdrops, vouchers, the upcoming chaos legion presale. Land will be out sometime after that. Big things are happening. I sold a bunch of my cards at the land pre-sale. Bitcoin is moving sideways, so is the rest of the market.

We have short attention spans

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People stopped asking wen and started selling CUB. I cannot believe that it has gotten down to 41 cents. Sure, with all of the farming inflation, when a market moves sideways, an inflationary coin goes down, but holders don't really lose value. The value of their coin goes down, the value of their bag stays the same.

CUB is set to expand its horizon

Within the next few weeks, CUB will be burned for an opportunity to move onto a LEO run Polygon DeFi platform. This is going to be a big deal. Most of you have forgotten that about 2,000,000 CUB will burn in that IDO and all of that value will end up on Polygon. The price action will likely not do too much on this IDO, it more just a value shift. Whoever wants more funds on Polygon, burn CUB and your value will move.

The real kicker is that this will leave only 5 million (ish) CUB left. The next IDO is another big raise (say $2 million) if I am not mistaken. At the current CUB marketcap, 2 million dollars in CUB is about 5 million CUB.

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Something has gotta give and my guess is that the price of CUB will be one of those things. We CUB holders perhaps have learned our lesson too. Don't just buy into the IDO because it is there. I have made back about $1 worth of CAKE on my Cakepop so the jury isn't out on that one yet... but I have my opinion. The IDO's might not meet their target... that is the other possibility. But even getting to 50% of the target, half of the supply of CUB will burn.

There are 3 more scheduled IDO's after that. CUB could very easily turn into a deflationary asset if this trend continues.


Hive is now the 4th most used blockchain. source My alt accounts even got rejected due to resource credit issues. This means that staking Hive is going to become an important thing in the coming months. Transactions are not free on this blockchain, they require Hive Power. With the massive growth of Splinterlands and the coming of SPK and more projects being built, Hive Power is going to be at a premium in the coming months. At 51 cents, hive is still a steal of a deal.

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LEO - Another thing we forgot

LEO is set to airdrop a game changer of a token after releasing a game changer of an app. This is a very bullish scenario for LEO. A good mobile app and then LEO's crypto twitter. LEO is looking very juicy at 18 cents.

Proof of Brain

We are early on this one. The real value is coming once the masses show up and the inflation gets split a few thousand more ways. Don't forget the first halving that is coming in 3 and a half years. All bets are off then. At 15 cents, POB hasn't looked this good in a long time.

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I have not forgotten these things

I figured it would be good to remind you that there are some assets at rock bottom prices. My bag is pretty much settled for the moment, but I am always weighing out my options. I did pick up 500 LEO earlier today... and might double down on that next week if prices stay the same.

Please know that this is just me thinking about some cheap projects that could be good to jump into. But I suggest that you do your own research before jumping into anything. We could also be on the precipice of a large run up if all of the speculators are speculating properly. That being said, there are plenty of good projects to invest in, but your guess is as good as mine as to which project is going to gain the most. I do know that Hive is a project that is going to stand the test of time and has huge potential. Will it 10X or 100X in the coming months??? It is possible... I am hoping for it.

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and also to mention Palnet - the first one to build a tribe here on HIVE

Ya, it started the whole thing. I got airdropped PAL and the got airdropped LEO... the snowball is still rolling.

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I'll never forget watching the early days, where all the guys were suddenly into every defi.. laughing about their successes.

High on how smart they were, but you know what happened they got rugged, spent a bunch of money moving their funds around, and didn't really come out ahead, in some cases they got very far behind.


Cub like other projects will have it's ups and downs. How many years old is Splinterlands? Aggroed just kept building. It wasn't a straight up hill road either.

So, when I watch the "Get Rich Quick" guys come in and cry when... I just quietly keep buying.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I felt the FOMO then and was rushing to get mine. I got mostly a headache. I decided mostly to hold and do what I like. You are so right about your last sentence:

So, when I watch the "Get Rich Quick" guys come in and cry when... I just quietly keep buying.

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Yup. Splinterlands had a bunch of painful moments, and there could be some more ahead. But I can almost not even fathom how low a few of these coins are at the moment in comparison with ATH's and with what is coming. It seems like there is only one way these things can go at this point.

This is so true.

How many years old is Splinterlands?

Aggroed just kept building. It wasn't a straight up hill road either.

Many early adopters bought and held cards on Splinterlands, but now they are seeing big gains.

But the most important thing is they were earning crypto the whole time they were accumulating cards.

Same thing here on Leo and Hive.

We are earning tokens posting on Leo and Hive, while some are also earning from investing in Cubfinance.

As billionaire Warren Buffet once said, asset markets are very effluent at transferring value and wealth from the inpatient to the patient.


I am earning now..and I am very happy with my earnings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL. Forget wen. I am earning now!

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This was a very clear reminder for us all not to underestimate any token here especially Hive and Hive Power. I always wish I could tell how low this stuff will go. Several times I bought some and watched it drop. There are always people that will sell lower and then boom the bull comes in.

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For real! Right now everyone is lost in splinterlands (and it really is taking off)... but there is a ton going on everywhere. I can say what will go up or down. But I do know a good project / community when I see one. I feel like there is some good long term projects severely undervalued.

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Ha Ha Ha …
So true….

I remember when Leo was a dollar, and many people were crying and regretting not buying it when it was cheap…

Hello…are you still there people who were filled with regret?

I just added to my bag, and plan to keep buying.

Leo is on sale!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really though... If we don't learn from the past, how can we succeed in the future? The sale is on.

@allcapsonezero, sorry to see you have less Hive Power.
Your level lowered and you are now a Minnow!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2021 - Hive Power Delegation
Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 25