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RE: Things you forgot (but I haven't)

This is so true.

How many years old is Splinterlands?

Aggroed just kept building. It wasn't a straight up hill road either.

Many early adopters bought and held cards on Splinterlands, but now they are seeing big gains.

But the most important thing is they were earning crypto the whole time they were accumulating cards.

Same thing here on Leo and Hive.

We are earning tokens posting on Leo and Hive, while some are also earning from investing in Cubfinance.

As billionaire Warren Buffet once said, asset markets are very effluent at transferring value and wealth from the inpatient to the patient.


I am earning now..and I am very happy with my earnings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


LOL. Forget wen. I am earning now!

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