Social network and its harmful algorithms

"You open an interesting video and suddenly the algorithm throws you an even more interesting video. When you realize it, it's been hours and what you had to do is left behind"


Definitely social networking and productivity algorithms don't go hand in hand...

Algorithms know what your brain wants and use it to imprison you in something that has no future and how that momentary pleasure brings the brain a feeling of dopamine, however, too much dopamine generates depression and the desire to do nothing, it's something similar to what happens to a junkie.

Everything in life is a matter of choice, and allowing yourself to experience that feeling of momentary pleasure in the long run only brings you pain and suffering, because that pleasure of the moment has a beginning and an end as well.

Discipline ensures that you do what needs to be done... in which case maintaining discipline will make you trade the pleasure of the moment for the pleasure of the future.

After all, the secret of the discipline is to run away from the algorithm.

There is a however...

For example: If you say I won't eat candy, but put a tray of candy by your side, however disciplined you may be, you will end up falling into the temptation of eating candy.

What have you been looking for? ➴

Immediate pleasure or lasting pleasure? Think and reflect... In the middle ground between pleasure and purpose, it is possible to make good choices today and build more happiness for tomorrow.

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Your post is extremely insightful, at various levels. It emphasizes the value of discipline and also the value of the middle ground.

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Ohhhh the countless times I’ve gotten lost in the YouTube algorithm!

Great post!

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Nice Thoughts dear, Our mind is a playful child which seeks unwanted pleasure all the time, and socia media and digital algorithms manipulate it so well. It becomes a addiction. What a coincidence😊, this post is perfect example for My latest post on Control your Mind here
Thanks dear, Have a good day 😊🙏

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True... unfortunately we fall into this temptation all the time.

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Social media platform can Indeed take away the mind from the doing productive things. The reason we must put cautious by been more disciplined. It helps us restrict our access to things that only seek to waste out time.

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Wasted time doesn't come back anymore, so we should make better use of our time and do more productive things that create value than wasting time on social media. Thanks!

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Social media is a totally distractive platform from doing productive things just don't wasting your time for doing unproductive affairs
Always go around with productivity things which can added value to your life

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Yes, of course... It's all about choice, either you choose to do something that gives you a better future, or you waste time doing nothing and becoming unproductive.

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Hmm, it is your understanding that determines your stand. trade away the pleasure of the moment is not really easy because most times we fall into it, like you clearly stated, discipline your mind not to embrace the pleasure of the moment that rob us of the future is highly important. What a mind-blowing information you shared.

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There will always be something to distract us, and it's up to each of us to choose what's best for us, or live in the moment or build a better future.

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Socal media have it good and affect people cause it in away that it affect all their days.

Some can be of on social media for three hours without offline, and they have alot of things to do.

When they now finish what they are doing online they will now realize that they have somethings to do,they will be rushing to meet up with the time.

By the time they do that for one month see that at The end they will fall sick or weak.

That is why we have to plan and follow time as we have schedule for the day

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You're totally right about that, and it is what happens to so many people when they pick up there phone to do something with it and the end up browsing another thing for hours leaving the main purpose unattended to.

Well I will agree as you said that is lack of discipline which people behave which also includes concentration and dedication to what you planned to do at a particular time without delay. Judging by the harms done by social network in our present society now it is not encouraging and we all need to learn to take our eyes off it if it not for any benefits to us.

I don't know if you forgot but social network have been one of the major source of scam in our society and have also serve as a means of corruption to our young once in the society.
80% of youths this days have no work or job but all they focus is their phone, internet and social network that offers nothing to them but distraction.

However I won't forget to say social network have not been of great advantage to us all in other ways too, which have provided content that are educational to us all and serves an easy means to make contact.

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