There is always someone worse than I and you...

We always think that we are living the worst moment of our life, and that we are experiencing pain that is worse than others...


It's true that everyone suffers, but some feel more, others feel less, it's a loss here, a disappointment there.

It's each one's way, but everyone suffers...

The rich suffer and the poor suffer, but there are always reasons to be thankful.

There was a very rich man and he from the top of his building looks down at a simple cardboard scavenger and says:

  • Glad I'm rich, I'm not poor like this guy.

And the recycling man soon sees another man in the street talking to himself, and he talks to himself:

  • Damn it, I'm glad I'm picking up cardboard here on the street, at least I'm healthy, I'm not crazy like this man who's talking to himself.

And the crazy guy is walking down the street, and when all of a sudden he sees an ambulance passing by, and he says:

  • Glad I'm crazy, at least I'm not sick like this guy.

And then the ambulance arrives at the hospital and picks up the patient and puts him next to a stretcher where there was another guy who had just died... then he thinks:

  • Glad I'm alive right, because this other one didn't have a chance anymore and unfortunately he died.

Moral of the story:

We always have reasons to thank God, instead of complaining, mumbling, or pointing fingers at other people... the world already has too much war, too many conflicts.

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We all need to know that all finger are not equal, no matter the situation we are ours is better than some people.

God make it that way for us to no how great he is, and to know how to be thankful, for us to know that in very situation we are ours own is better than some set of people.

And as they say when there is life there is hope, is only the dead that do not have hope on earth.

But even some people do thank God for the dead people, they will say thank God he or she is dead, because she is free from the sickness,the dead as help him to go and rest.

So we need to always thank God for what we are passing through.

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Yes .. true, while we are alive we hope to change our lives, even though we are going through an opposite and difficult situation, with time everything can improve.

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I believe that is how life look like, if u think u are better their are always people that are far better than u do,likewise other wise.. That is why most of the time if I'm passing through some worse situations, I don't see it as if that is the end because a lot as enchanter more than that and overcome

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Yes... the end will always be for those who died, that yes didn't have the opportunity to change something, while we breathe we have the chance to make a difference, and to change what needs to be changed.

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Yeah you're right about that, every breath we take is a reason to thank God and be happy about it because in whatever condition we find ourselves and think we are passing or going through worse at that particular time feeling the whole world have turned against us, well that shouldn't be a reason for us to say I'll against God rather we should be thankful because being alive gives us the reason to do that.

According to your post and the scenario that you gave which is the real deal and facts that is happening in the world we live in.

We all should learn to cultivate the habit of being appreciative.

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Yes... true, as bad as it is for us, there is always someone who is worse than us, but we should be grateful that we are alive and breathing and yet we can make choices and change the scenario of our lives.

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In fact, there are both good and bad sides in our lives. Good times and bad times will come in our lives. This is a very normal thing. However, when we are good, we do not think of the Creator

And every man thinks this is his worst time to survive the most helpless time in which he has nothing to do even though he thinks consent is the worst time of his life then we think how good the people around me are why I am in so much trouble why so much trouble Why am I being around? Why aren't people around me having problems like that?

All the people in this world face some or the other problem and because of that problem he feels a pain in his mind. All the people in the world feel pain. It's normal, but you can't live in the world if you compare yourself, but the points you made were awesome.

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I agree with your words when we find ourselves sufficiently unremembered by the creator, and for us it doesn't matter. I believe that we all suffer, even though we suffer in different aspects, for some it's a light thing for others it's the end of the world, and when comparing with the suffering of our neighbors, his is smaller than ours, but maybe for those who are suffering this the suffering seems to be great.

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That's how it has been and will always be, we will always be better than someone else somewhere, and some one will always be better than us.

We should always be grateful for the things we have and not be sad over things that are yet to come.

Yes .. everything comes at the right time, we cannot think that we will not win, the challenges that make us stronger.

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When we think we are living the worst aspect of our lives, some are actually asking for the situation we are simply means in every situation, we should thank God
Thank God in every situation, because you are still better than some people, sooner or later he will change the situation for good.
Thanks for this write up👍

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Everything passes... our suffering is not eternal, the struggles come and go, we should just be grateful for the opportunity we have to change the situations we are living and we don't like.

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Interesting story. Indeed no matter what situation we are passing through, they are people worse off. We must express gratitude and thanks each day to our Heavenly Father.

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Yes... each one has their own life story, each one goes through a difficult situation but when comparing with worse situations they see that they are not that much worse.

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We will always be better than someone no matter the condition we are currently facing. Been alive and healthy is enough reason to thankful to God. He said in word, in all things give thanks.

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Been hale and healthy is enough reason to be thankful. Our lives could be in a worse state. There are enough reasons to thank God. In the bad times and in the good times he deserves our praise.

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Yes .. if we are healthy we have everything

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Absolutely, you clearly said it out on this post. There Is this local African saying : "where your own stops, some ones continue “. The world indeed already has too much conflicts and drama. It's indeed necessary to commit to God.

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The creator is our strength, what he did for us no one would do.

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Being thankful is essential to be a good giver

Yeah, That's right. That be some real wise words coming out of your mouth.🔥

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When we go through certain things in life be it Pain, emotional trauma or failure we always think our story is worse or our life is worse than others without even knowing what other people are going through.
Actually someone might be going through more in their life than you are.
Instead of trying to compare our lives with other people's own we should just remember to thank God for what we presently are and what he has done for us.
one way or the other might find ourselves better than even the people we admire thinking that they aren't going through anything.
Nice blog @anacristinasilva.

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Yes true. As much as we face so many struggles daily, we are still breathing and everything can change and it's up to us to believe that there is hope, because yes, there is hope for those who are alive.

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There is always hope as long as we are alive and kicking😃😃.

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Well said , This is nothing but the truth. It happens a lot in life, No matter how bad you think you are having it in life, there is someone else having it worse and wishes he or she was like you.

It's funny, But that's some life lessons, We have to be thankful for what we have and never strive to be better than the person we were yesterday.😊

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Gratitude is the memory of the heart

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Yes, I believe that.

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True that and gratitude is priceless and mosttimes very valuable.

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