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RE: The Slow Ascend Back To Myself

Good for you, that was a high percentage shot where I am.
I still recommend the book, can't ever know enough.
That has been suppressed really hard for decades.
Not that it will solve your problems for you, you still have to do that.
It gave me structure that I could work with, rather than structure that owned me.


It's some pretty interesting reading. I got to the part where it talks about how a child who had a broken bone (elbow) could experience some sort of rheumatic pain in their thirties.

He says it works like a post-hypnotic suggestion in many ways.
I think my dad's arthritis was a sign of his engrams, but he died before I could test the theory and try to reduce his locks.

That fella put out one heck of a lot material.
That link goes down periodically because the church's lawyers are fighting with them, this is an alternative.
It's new to me from the last time was down, so I haven't followed it long.

The experiences I've had at the one org I went to contained out-tech.
I haven't met anybody else in person that has given the subject much time.
The only reasons I've found that it hasn't taken the world by storm is the effort involved in learning to apply it and the propaganda against it.
I've been looking for something to contradict in it since 1991, and thought I had him at 'support a good government', but he did say good.

I know I'm happier having read the books.
His gradient scale approach is genius.
No black and white, only what is true for you.

These "locks" seem nothing more than pent up frustration, you know? Almost like just talking about something brings you to the root cause that can be dealt with direction.

His description of it is that these memories hold an electrical charge, that charge gets re-stimulated by something familiar in the environment, and causes pain in the present time.

You may want to read the books in order, it is the recommended way.
If you are only going to read one, I have given it to you.
If you really want to study the technology, start at the beginning, and go in order.

I read Dianetics because I had been steered away from it, so I started at the beginning.
It is a technical manual where SOS is more a user's manual.
It was a difficult read for me, but I persevered and have read it several times since.

I hope it benefits you as it has me.