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RE: Why is my Post not Usually Upvoted: Questions from Newbies on Hive

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Being successful on Hive, as on any other social platform, is a looooong run. The competition is high and you are not the only one hoping for an upvote.

The key to success is engagement with others and commitment. Don't give up too quickly and create interesting interactions with others. Find a niche topic that you master and try to stick to it. That will allow you to stand out from the crowd.

Even if you get only half a dollar worth on your post, it's still 1 million times more than what you get from likes on Facebook or Twitter.

Is my Brain not Functioning Fine?

I hope so

Do they think writing a post is easy.

Nobody does.

Is there anything we are doing that's warranting us not to be properly Upvotes.



That's correct my dear. Engagements on hive gives one the opportunity to unite with persons who could help them grow.

Arcange is spot on in my opinion. Everyone creates content, but not everyone engages here. You have to do both and have patience.

Posted via

Thank you for the comment

You're very welcome. I don't know Arcange personally, but I respect his work. His was the first data I viewed on Hive activity. In terms of patience, be prepared for it too. I've spent the better part of a year being active on the platform before I started making something tangible.

I mean, no one knows you when you first show up. Do you know what I mean? It's like first showing up to school or a new job. Eventually, you learn how things work. Eventually, you move up to more profitable and fulfilling positions.

There are a couple of people here I'm familiar with whose work you should follow. Arcange is one, but others include: @samsmith1971, @nonsowrites, and @corporateay. They're good people spread across the planet.

Oh, and for heavens sake, if you have a question: ASK. If we can't find an answer for you, we will seek it out.

Thanks for the mention.

My formula: Spend the next 3 months engaging with 20 people per day and don't worry about your earnings. Just engage meaningfully--add to the discussion (don't just repeat what has been said in the post).

If you do this for 90days and nothing changes, I will give you 90hive.

!PIZZA perfectly said. Come and join in my monthly contest too @salvadornkpara :-) and in @scholaris weekly word of the week contest :-) Would love to see you in both.

Oh. @ura-soul is another good one. Again, I only know of his work. I don't agree with a lot of information he puts out, but his presentation of it is exemplary. In my opinion it draws a sceptic in to investigate. He knows how to engage the audience.

BTW, I noticed I miss your witness vote 😢
Would you mind casting one to me? It would be much appreciated!

I've repeated the witness vote just now

Thank you for your support @salvadornkpara, really appreciate it! 👍

You're welcome