Have you been sleeping well?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


Long hours of travel, uncomfortable bed, and a strange schedule can make it difficult to get a good night's sleep. And when you don’t get a good night's sleep, your body starts to produce more cortisol which, over time, affects your mental and physical health. There is, however, some good news, those who can't seem to get enough shuteye may be dreaming during the time when their eyes are actually open. And what happens in your dreams has a profound effect on your waking life.

Have you ever had a dream that you’re falling even though you’re awake?

This is called sleep paralysis.

It’s totally normal, but it can be a scary experience.

Sleep paralysis is when your mind wakes up, but your body is still in Sleep Mode. This causes the sleep paralysis. It’s only temporary and once you wake up fully, your body will be awake too.

I can remember when I had my first sleep paralysis when I was undergoing my internship at Ibadan, Nigeria. This very night (midnight) I woke up and my eyes and mind were working but I couldn’t move my body. I was scared for so many reasons.

  1. It’s a common saying that some kind of spirit comes at night to press someone down in the night, making the person unable to move.
    So I thought it was the devil visiting me. I wanted to shout Jesus, but it’s sleep paralysis you can’t move any part of your body apart from your eyes.
    Maybe the eyes aren’t connected to the part of the brain that controls the other part of the body

  2. I thought I was going to die. I don’t know how people die and having this experience for the first time felt like I was walking down the path of death. It’s scary especially when you don’t know anything about it.

  3. I was alone. I stayed with my sister and that particular night, maybe she had to work a night shift at her place of work or for something else, so I was alone. Having my first sleep paralysis alone in the house, knowing there’s no one to save you really made me scared

In today’s world, there are many things that may cause inadequate sleep. Working an overnight shift may leave you with limited hours of deep sleep because when you go to bed, you’re already exhausted. Or, you may have to wake up early in the morning to attend a conference or a business meeting. Whatever the reason, insufficient sleep will affect your health and performance.

I you (@samsmith1971) the worth your reading time

I posted this on read cash first


I have experienced sleep paralysis more than once and gosh I had been scared on all occasions. In my thoughts I said, "oh so, this is how people die"? It was crazy and scary.

And yes, those period, I had been undergoing a lot of stressful activities with less sleep and once I find time in the afternoon to sleep, I woke up with the paralysis.

Hehe. I totally understand you.
You eventually become scared of closing your eyes.

Sometimes, I do fell how life leaves my body and my mind stays active.
I will jerk up to bring life back to my body, because I don’t want to be paralyzed again.

It’s really really scary.
But thank God, I’ve not experienced it in recent times, but i kinda miss it though.


I swear, I am often afraid to close my eyes... Seriously 🥺

Wait, you miss what? 😳 You must be kidding me 😂😂😂😂

Haha no I’m not kidding.
I’m not scared of it anymore, since i know it’s just for a few minutes

Hahaha, you are so weird 😅😅

Terrifying!!!! I never want it to happen to me!

I've had something else happen scary when I sleep ...it happened so often I stopped wanting to go to sleep because I didn't want to experience it again! Lol.. thankfully the Lord stopped it from happening!! Hehhee

Hehehehe, I am sorry about your experience, sleep paralysis made me not want to always to sleep again, too.... Lol.

I am thankful the Almighty saved us both from experiences that tried to deprive us of the beauty sleep he created for us 🥺

Oh my gosh. Every time I hear about sleep paralysis I hope it never comes for me; lolololol

Especially because everyone who has experienced it has mentioned that they have felt a presence there!!!! So so so scary!!!!!!

I hope this doesn't happen to you anymore!!!

Never experienced sleep paralysis before but it is interesting to read about it.

Can't imagine going through it, I'll probably just start praying.

I think I would have to do the same!!!

😆 exactly.

Hmmm... this is true. I have experienced this before as I was thinking that I was tied as I could not move my hands neither could I moved my body.

This is so true...

@dreemport sent me here

I have not been sleeping well, I think I changed my sleeping schedule. But with this, I should hurry with what is keeping me up and get my sleep routine back on track. Thanks

Yes you should always have rest.

I agree it is important

Exactly!!! Hahahhaa let this be your warning lol

Haha, accepted. I should find sleep soon

I have not experienced sleep paralysis before but I understand what it is. I think if one knows what it is then it removes a lot of the fear although when you wake in the night one is not usually fully compos mentis so I can imagine it could be very scary. You spoke of your first time here... do you experience it regularly? Have you done any research to see if the mind can be trained to avoid it?

My brother in law used to get it a lot and then it stopped. Not sure how he did it!

When my brother was little I remember having to move into his bedroom with him for a while because he was so scared. He used to say he would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to move. We thought at the time he was just having nightmares and was 'frozen' with fear...he was so little like 3/4 years old maybe... he would say that he couldn't move and these people would be there in the room talking to him and pulling his legs. It was freaky. Anyway, yours truly to the rescue agreed to share his room with him for a while (6 year age difference!). Whatever had been bothering him just went away. I never did anything, just slept in the same room. He was convinced there was something otherworldly visiting him at night. I can't believe this memory just came back to me out of nowhere ... it didn't even feature when this topic came up last week...I really must chat with him about it again from an adult perspective now!

yeah that sounds exactly like sleep paralysis.
they often see "shadowy figures" moving all around. which is BIZARRE. because why do so many people see that?!?!?!?!

and the terror is SO intense. My brother in law isn't afraid of much - but you should have seen the way his face would change when he would talk about sleep paralysis! Scared the LIFE out of me hahahaha i NEVER EVER want it!!

It truly is the strangest thing. It makes me wonder whether there is some physiological sensation taking place through the sleep paralysis or whether there is something a bit weirder going on too. But yeah, I agree, I'd rather never have to encounter it myself, either way.

i really don't know! I'm open to both explanations - or a mix of them

but if it's of the "weirder" side.... THAT is truly terrifying.

it makes you wonder exactly what your mind is open to when its in that state!!!

...and with that...I am climbing into bed and heading off to sleep myself 🙂 at the moment my mind is open to nothing but sleep I think...tomorrow it will be open to a world of possibilities again hehe...and maybe this topic will get a bit more research from moi then❣️Sleep tight ..I am certainly hoping to do so x

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Very good observation from personal experience and research a little bit I would imagine?
Where is the sourcing for that lead image?
I you (@ samsmith1971) the worth your reading time? I think this could possibly need some work lol!
This post was obtained through Dreemport.

Oh! I captured the picture with my phone.
I think I’m gonna need to always source myself