
For me, the best way to deal with trauma is to go out for a walk in Nature... or better yet, a good long kayak on the River. It always brings perspective and calm.

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I assume that should help, nature also brings tranquility with it. However what if the effect of the trauma last for a longer period?

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Many traumas last a lifetime, we have to learn ways to not let them interfere in our day to day. Psychologists and psychiatrists are great professionals to help with these problems, I recently went to one to talk about mine.

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That sounds very relaxing @offgridlife I would enjoy going out for a walk or a trip down the river.

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To me I will say trauma just the way you have stated in your definition affect both physically and mentally..

physically it make it to look as if the event is still look very fresh and it make the effect to keep recalling, which is very dangerous and is not proper..

Mentally this means it can affect the brain and make one not to be normal, that is why must of the time one need to be very carefully and try to avoid what can bring issues in the future or create a kind of unfortunate trauma that will affect for life

I never in my life pray for something like this because it very crazy and it might make someone life to be down completely except the grace if God..

Most especially if it happen at the earlier stage of life where much of activities as not even taken place on the memories that was when the issues get the worse the more

Only God can take fully control of all this and safe us not to fall in the hands of the evil ones that will give us life trauma that will disable or destroy our life

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why is not something that never pray to experience in someone's life is something that can never be forgotten who is a great damages to the brain physically academically and in different aspect of someone's life a lot of people has fall victim of this which has really affect them even in their academy

destabilize so many people to the extent that it affect them academically mentally and physically just as the definition has given us where is not an easy thing that I will never pray to experience that in our life it is only the people that are in the shoe that can explain the way this thing as great a great hurt their heat

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