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RE: Proof of NO brain is exposed by using the 'having skin in the game' as a valid argument.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Azircon contacted me a while back through discord, asking me something about Hive, I forget what now. Since then, we've talked very occasionally, mostly about Hive stuff (prior to this latest exchange, we had a one-minute exchange back in April). We've never met in person, but maybe someday at a Hivefest. A lot of people contact me via discord, it's not as uncommon as you might think.

In this instance, he messaged me after he saw my comment to lucylin, basically warning me that lucylin wasn't a great person. I reviewed the entire conversation just now (which veered away from lucylin pretty quickly) and there wasn't any statement that he was on a downvoting campaign against lucylin in the conversation. If I followed azircon's voting patterns more, I could have inferred it I suppose, but again I just don't follow this stuff much.


Thank you for the explanation. Now that you are aware of @azircon's downvote campaign and that you have added your own downvote to it, I would like to ask you what it is that justifies it in your mind? I am not saying @lucylin is perfect by any means, but I have not seen a reasonable justification of @azircon's actions against him. If there is, I would like to know it, so that I don't spend anymore time sticking up for him. If you simply don't care enough to pay attention even when it's been brought to your attention, that makes it a rough place for some users. I hope that isn't the case.

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Regarding your question on lucylin, I was offended by 'his' constant hive bashing, so I was looking to find out more about 'him', and then I saw 'his' first post. Seems to me a case of an identity theft.

@proofofbrainio I have no idea if this is a case of identity theft or not, as I am not an expert on the matter. I just feel uncomfortable supporting an individual who is clearly not who 'he' is? I am confused! Please help me out @proofofbrainio. This is lucylin's introductory post. Its public and on the blockchain. I didn't make it up...

Yeah what's up with that

And that is a perfectly accurate statement. Thank you blocktrades, yes, expect to meet hopefully during the next hivefest.

Dear @proofofbrainio is there anything I can help you with even further?