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RE: POB Burn post - Have your say!!

I think putting them as a @POB-Fund beneficiary might be a better way to go to get us funds for the project we might need in the future for building the platform. Just my 2 cents.

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Oh I like this idea!

@madstacks, i agree with what @caloforniacrypto has said. I suggest putting the reward into @POB-Fund will be more better for now to enable the development of the #pob tribe community and making sure #pob gets into exchanges for more recognition and valuation. I believe it'll go a very long way to promote the tribe. Burning may be revisited later, after the developmental goals of the community is achieved.

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pob-fund is a good cause and I will be running the friday highlights and giving 50% on a Friday.. but that's not a burn so they would not be suitable for that.

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Burning can be good but a little weird since it's mirrored after bitcoin. So why not put it towards projects for the community in this case instead.

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