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RE: POB for Ecency : Funding Proposal

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I'd personally prefer someone who was heavily invested in the platform doing it but that's just my opinion. I have very little knowledge in the process.

As a investor, don't you think that little "non stop" airdrop is a good idea?

Explain? If you mean autovoting, it has its upsides and downsides. It all depends on how it's monitored and who is receiving the votes.

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If you mean autovoting, it has its upsides and downsides

That's true, but it is the cheapest way to attract new members to community and potential investors. Spam is a downside, but as I said, it should be downvoted.
Btw, it would be great if downvoted POB was burned

The more people have POB the more decentralized it is

but it is the cheapest way to attract new members to community and potential investors

Very true. It's a consistency that provides motivation for content creators so I back it for that reason. It just has the possibility of separating itself from the focus of Proof of Brain (the concept) if it isn't managed correctly. I'll follow along with the account every now and then and will ping you a mention if I see anything that is alarming (hope you don't mind).

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will ping you a mention

Good idea. I will add suspicious accounts to no-autovote list

I really appreciate seeing you mention customer acquisition cost, it shows you're educated. I always appreciate your input on critical things like this.

I had a Skill Testing POB Giveaway where you had to answer questions I asked you for POB.

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We all have many truths to tell.

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