The Pay Rent with Hive Project (PRHP) Update #3

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)


In today's update we take a look at recent investments / payouts and other things that are part of my ongoing Pay Rent with Hive Project (PRHP).

Hive Power Delegation Update: Two new delegations!!

Today I delegated to two new accounts; and @pixresteemer.
My delegation to @qurator is bringing in around 0.020 to 0.030 HIVE each day. Not much but for what is basically a loan I can end at any time, it's not bad. I need to check on my current SBI (HBI) status. I usually get an upvote from one of their accounts each day. My HP to will bake me some fresh !PIZZA that I can eventually start passing out slices of. I will need to wait for my delegation reward from @actifit to see how the boost to my HP delegation to them has boosted my earnings.

Current Delegations :
@actifit 200.059 HP
@steembasicincome 200.059 HP
@canna-curate 100.030 HP
@qurator 100.030 HP 100.005 HP
@pixresteemer 100.005 HP

Splinterlands Card Rentals :

No one rented my cards today but after the long maintenance downtime yesterday I sort of figured that would happen. I still need to go and check the prices and probably update them.

8/15/21, 8:00:18 PM Rental Payment 5.690
8/15/21, 8:00:18 PM Rental Payment Fees splinterlands -0.284
8/14/21, 7:30:00 PM Rental Payment 5.690
8/14/21, 7:30:00 PM Rental Payment Fees splinterlands -0.284
8/13/21, 7:27:42 PM Rental Payment Fees splinterlands -0.284
8/13/21, 7:27:42 PM Rental Payment 5.690
8/13/21, 7:01:30 PM Rental Payment Fees splinterlands -0.079
8/13/21, 7:01:30 PM Rental Payment 1.578
Total DEC from renting cards : 17.717 which is currently around $0.13
Each card I have up for rent cost me around $7.


UPDATE : After checking the current rental prices on gold foil Elven Defender (dropped to 1.27 currently per day) and gold foil Flamesmith (dropped to 1.50 currently per day) going rental rates have gone too low for the time being for me to want to rent them, they are worth more to my playing or letting a friend borrow my extra Flamesmith. Maybe I will delegate a gold foil Flamesmith to a follower...hint hint.

As a general investment, I am happy with the golf foils I recently purchased. Their value tends to rise even if slowly. Once the new series comes out and with the amount of new players coming in, the prices should at least stay around what I paid. If they at least stay around what I paid and I can earn some DEC and SPS while I own them on top of the original cost, then it's still a win.

Splintershards Update : 10.097 SPS is not a big bag of SPS but free or freeish (since I had to pay for cards) tokens worth $0.40 each plus a very high yielding first year staking reward, they're well worth it as well. $4.00 in SPS pays off about half of my spell books. Spell books are $10 but I had $1.25 in some random survey app payments in my accounts so I deducted that from my initial Splinterlands costs.

Are Splinterlands cards giveaway worth it? So far they seem to be worth it. The initial cost for the Chain Spinner given away (the contest is still open and you can still enter!!!) costs $0.20-$0.23 and it's giveaway post has so far earned $1.34 with 37, before being split between the author/curation pool (I should earn around $0.67), and still has a few days to possibly get more upvotes. That card giveaway has already more than doubled it's initial card cost.

The second giveaway so far ( for a Charlok Minotaur card, has earned $0.05 but is only 14 hours old and people sitll have most of the week to enter and possibly upvote. The Charlok Minotaur also cost around $0.20 which means the Chain Spinner giveaway post as at least covered both their initial costs plus a few cents profit.

Once these card giveaway posts close and earn their author/curation rewards I will then also announce the winner of each contest in a post as well. These posts can also add to the HIVE earnings for the card giveaway.

Staking, Mining, Curation, Author Reward Reports :
Around half way through each month I try to post an update report on my staking, mining, curation, and author rewards of certain tokens/communities. At this time I report on WeedCash (WEED), Sports Talk and Actifit (SPORTS and AFIT), and BEER. I may report on Splintertalk (SPT) and Palnet (PAL) as well in the future.

Actifit and Sports Talk Rewards :

The weather has finally gotten better again. I always feel like I'm complaining about some weather that isn't even that bad compared to some places. There are places in Europe hitting the 120s and snails are baking in their shells. It's not even 90 here yet and I am probably being a baby because I am not acclimatized to the Summer heat again. It is hotter than usual this time of year and very dry. The mega drought is real. It's just not as hot in my town as it is in half of the country right now, or even worse in other places.

Read about the The Pay Rent with Hive Project (PRHP) where I try to earn enough HIVE and Hive dollars to eventually pay my monthly rent. It could happen....
Read about it here --->

Thank you for your upvotes and follows. Every bit helps me to eventually be able to pay my rent with HIVE. If I can do it ( day...) so can you!

Sign up and start playing Splinterlands with the rest of us. Don't waste your time not playing like I did!!



I do enjoy a good tracking post, once a day is maybe a bit relentless but when d'you think you'll achieve your goal?

Have you factored in a re-vest strategy too - I mean if you take out 100% of earnings for rent when you have enough assets you'll probably find your earnings going down, you might well have to re-vest 30-70% or some amount to maintain fiat income at the level you desire.

It's a minefield trying to calculate these things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks. I'm not sure if I wil literally do a post everyday tbh. But, I work from home and I already like to curate on Hive or read some news reports back and forth while replying to emails and other things that keep me glued to my screen half of my day.

I have thought about what plan I should have for revesting and other things, but honestly I am taking it little by little. This is more fun than serious. IF I am able to start bringing in $1,200 a month from Hive then I would probably hodl several months worth of rewards and get them turned into Hive Power or put it into Hive/Hive Dollars savings since the returns are decent. In the end it's just big mental game for me and a way to keep up on Hive and cryptocurrency. I have been thinking of moving some other crypto I have been hodling into Hive or possibly taking some fiat I have and making a larger investing or probably a few medium investments into Hive and Hive assets to boost my account now. Eventually I'd like to keep my staked and powered up Hive/tokens doing just that and just taking the liquid earnings, then my earnings from posts shouldn't flucuate too much due to cashing out possible rent money. All things not cemented yet.


I think I have !BEER available to give out. If not I will get you some tomorrow.

Hive's been good for me over the years. I've only ever done a few strategic Power Downs, but never let them run for more than a week and a most of those were to buy LEO or other related HIVE tokens back when they were a steal.

So it's been 99.9% (probably about that literally) powering up earnings for most of my time here.

I'm only now starting to extract a little, but that's just to pay off the mortgage and I can't see myself powering anything down.

Once that's done I can't honestly think of anything I'd rather stack more of than Hive.

Well, except for more Splinterlands assets, but besides those Hive remains my number one stack for the future.

It's just got so much utility.

I wrote this yesterday thinking about an 'extraction strategy' -

I'm quite a fan of DEFI too.

You are out of beer, I can't call it myself on this alt otherise I'd give you one back!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's something I havent done at all I dont think, powering down. Other than when Hive grew out of Steem and I moved my assets over.

Splinterlands really took off. I kept wanting to get into it but hadn't had the chance or time. No I do so game on.

Ha. Yeah. I always time my beer before 24 hours is up. Im almost to 48 so then I can actually hand out 2 Beers like i often try.

You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

Hey @revise.leo, here is a little bit of BEER from @chunkysoupsvc for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.



@chunkysoupsvc! This post has been manually curated by the $PIZZA Token team!

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at Enjoy a slice of $PIZZA on us!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

!sbi status

Hi @chunkysoupsvc!

  • you have 55 units and 100 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 83530188295 or 0.061 $
  • you need to wait until your upvote value (current value: 0.020 $) is above 0.021 $

Structure of your total SBI vote value:

  • 39.33 % has come from your subscription level
  • 58.84 % has come from your bonus units
  • 1.64 % has come from upvoting rewards
  • 0.00 % has come from new account bonus or extra value from pre-automation rewards

    No longer active on Steem? Convert your Steem SBI into Hive SBI.
    See our FAQ for details!