Do You Know What You Want?

in Proof of Brainlast year

The best way to find out what you want in life is to try a lot of things." - Oprah Winfrey

Ask anyone around you what they want in life and 9 of 10 would be 100% certain about what they wanted in an instant. Most are fancy stuff but it's not even the point. The fact is that we have zero experience on what we haven't tried yet and that makes a whole lot of sense.

For example, people who haven't used crypto see it as some fishy technology. They lack the crypto experience. But they judge crypto based on their financial experience like when they lost a whole lot of money in a business in the past.

It's okay to think this way but without trying something we are in most cases possibly going to judge them based on experience. Even if that thing is exactly what we want but don't know yet.

image from pixabay

In everyday life, I've found that trying to want what's best is okay but sometimes we don't know what's best yet until we try it out. There are a whole lot of people out there that crypto can help save from the chains of the banking system but don't know yet because they haven't tried crypto yet.

We may think what we want is a burrito because of our experience with it but not having burritos can be what we truly want deep within.

Are you the type to try a lot of things to know what you want or do you already know everything you want without trying them out first?

Share your thoughts in the comment box.