Success: There is Always a Price to Pay

in Proof of Brainlast month (edited)

Success carries more meaning than just only having more money, it's about achievement, triumph, and fulfillment. I really respect anyone who has succeeded at any endeavour because you know, life is not easy. To Succeed at anything you will need more of hard work, perseverance, and dedication. Apart from these, there is another important element that must be considered and that is, "the price for success". There is always a price that must be paid for success.

Whenever we hear stories about successful businessmen, successful athletes, musicians, marriage couple and more, we get so inspired and fired up for similar success. Most of us then begin to wish we were in their shoes or to have their kind of success. What we don't really see is the "scars" behind their success. These scars are the marks of scarifices they received along the way while persuing success.

There are those who had to forgo certain relationships, spend many years, hours to persue career goals. some had to stretch themselves by dedicating hours to study and research, while others had to alienate friends and distance themselves from family. Go and have a chat with any successful individual and you will be shocked to know how lonely the journey was at some point. The relentless pursuit of success can leave you with the feeling of isolation and disconnection from even those you love most.

Moreover, success will often demand sacrifices in different areas of your lives. Health may be affected as stress levels soar and self-care takes a backseat to professional demands. Mental well-being can also be compromised as the pressure to perform mounts, leading to anxiety, depression, and burnout.

Hope you know that making sacrifices with your money is a big part of becoming successful. It's the dream of many to achieve financial success but getting there usually require you to spend a lot of time and money first. Many successful people have gone through times of financial instability, risking everything they owned in order to achieve their goals.

Having said all these should not raise any red flags. We must understand that sacrifices are merely a necessary part of the process and not necessarily a bad thing. Success bring so much happiness, contentment, and accomplishment, which is why we should pursue despite sacrifices of any kind. Success is like an open door for people and an empowerment to make a difference their world.

All successful endeavour, nevertheless, comes with a price, which one must understand. So I would say that It's always important to consider the price before pursuing success. However any price can be reduced when you learn to strike a balance, established boundaries, and priorities what's really important. Achvieing success is about appreciating the journey and understanding that the price of sacrifice is just part of the journey to the final destination.

Image Credit-All images were sourced from Pixabay


I didn’t know this before I started going after a particular goal
I didn’t know about sacrifices and I learned the hard way…I have come to know that there’s always some balance that could be formed for your own good.

I'm glad you learned from the experience. Life is about learning and evrry experience has something to teach us.

@abenad! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @collinz. (4/20)

How lovely a post, @collinz!

I find it calming that our efforts do not necessarily have to be judged easy or hard, but simply giving oneself credit for giving it go is a success all by itself and it brings energy to give it another go in a kind, self-caring regard.

I hope you are doing well, Collinz. I look forward to another shot at seeing you! 😘

Thanks for the compliment and for sharing your thoughts. I'm doing well and I look forward to seeing you too. Thanks for stopping by.. 😊😘

Successful stories serve as an inspiration to many of us, it as well serves as a motivation to keep going.

Thanks for sharing sir.

You are welcome