Book review: Self Power - Spiritual solutions to life's greatest challenges by Deepak Chopra

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

When problems come into our lives we often find ourselves searching for the blame outside. It is so easy to cast the blame on another person, on our circumstances, on society and various other reasons. The truth is that all of our problems are a reflection of ourselves: they mirror us. Deepak Chopra sums it up beautifully in his book Self Power: Spiritual solutions to life’s greatest challenges: the reason that challenges arise is simple – to make you more aware of your inner purpose.

The main idea is that we have three levels of awareness on which we operate. They are :

*Level 1: contracted awareness (the level of the problem, the more you struggle to get free of a problem, the more you are trapped in it, you have frustration, resentment, anger)

*Level 2: expanded awareness ( the level where solutions begin to appear, you see beyond the conflict, you start to let go, you no longer feel so stuck : a process has begun)

*Level 3: pure awareness (the level where no problems exist because you see every challenge as a creative opportunity, you can tell that you are at level 3 when you feel truly yourself, in a state of peace and freedom no matter the circumstances)

As you probably noticed, most people function on level 1 and 2. The rollercoaster of problems seems to pile up and many individuals see this as life being against them, as everything is harder and harder. To look inside though is the last thing people think about.

Reality is an inner concept and we build it through our thoughts and emotional patterns. If you were taught as a child that life is hard and people are out to get you, you will create such a reality which will conform to your beliefs. We have many examples of people who, despite the odds, thrived. The ones who took their adversity and turned it into an opportunity to grow, to learn, to heal. If I look back in my own past , I realize that all of my problems really pushed me on the right path.

Deepak Chopra teaches us how to get back to our inner self and discover the infinite source of happiness and peace which lies in each and everyone of us. You might say that inner work could be futile if you are facing bankruptcy, divorce, trauma, death or illness. But the truth of the matter is that the inner work is the only work we ever have to do throughout our lives if we want to be problem free. Each human being was born with a unique set of skills and talents. The purpose of life is to live it to the best of your abilities and discover why you are here.

Problems put a mirror in front of you and if you begin to be honest with yourself you realize that it is you that you have to change and not the mirror if you do not like what reality looks like. The book is a guide towards this inner journey. Deepak shares a full chapter where letters from readers are being answered and the solutions he offers are a truly inspiring thing to read. I liked his honesty and the way he always gets back to the essential: the soul.
There is one simple and yet powerful quote which Deepak said that I really liked: the level of the solution is never the level of the problem.

I selected some favourite quotes, I hope they inspire you . Have a great day and toodle loo!

No matter how intensely you feel your situation, which has its own unique difficulties, if you look to the right and left, you will see others who are just as caught up in their situations. Strip away the details, and what remains is a general cause of suffering: lack of awareness.

The most powerful way to change your life is to begin with your awareness. When your consciousness changes, your situation will change

Spirituality underlies everything in life. We are souls first and persons second

At a deeper level, happiness becomes lasting only when it’s real. Trying to base your relationship on illusions, however pleasing they are, will fail in the end.

The solutions they are seeking don’t lie at the level of the problem, however. The solution lies at the level of the true self. When people catch on to that, they can quit blaming their partners, stop feeling victimized, and take responsibility for discovering who they really are.

(in relationships) ask what you can give before demanding what you can get

Before acting on a habit , pause. Ask yourself how you feel. Propose to yourself that other choices exist. Can you take another choice? If not, what is stopping you? Habits are broken by stopping the automatic reflex and injecting new questions, from which new choices arise.

Disease and distress need to be healed. Yet over a lifetime, the key to well-being is a person’s coping skills. With poor coping skills, you become prey to every accident, setback or disaster. With strong coping skills, you become resilient in the face of misfortune, and resilience has been shown repeatedly to be present in people who survive to great old age with a sense of fulfillment. Coping begins in the mind.

Success is the result of a series of good decisions

How you deal with the unknown determines how well you make choices. Bad decisions are the result of applying the past to the present, trying to repeat something that once worked. The worst decisions are made by applying the past so rigidly that you are blind to anything else.

Bad decisions are made when you don’t know whom to listen to. The worst decisions are made when you can’t even decide whom to trust. When faced with widely differing opinions, most people choose the ones they already agree with.

The point of our lives is to realize who we are

Reaching your purpose means that you practice the following on a daily basis: Do at least one thing that is selfless. Read a passage of scripture, poetry, or inspirational prose that makes you feel uplifted. Share your ideals with someone who feels sympathetic. Without proselytizing, express your purpose for being here; aim to inspire with modesty, not to persuade with force. Help your children to find their purpose; make them see that this is important. Act from your highest values. Don’t sink to the level of those who criticize or oppose you.

Reaching your vision means that you practice the following on a daily basis: Look beyond everyday events to their higher meaning. What is your soul trying to tell you? Question your habits of consumption. Put material success in its proper place. Leave time to be with yourself. Put your values to the test by trusting in the universe or God to take care of you. Appreciate the present moment. See others around you as reflections of your inner reality. Read deeply into the scriptures and literature that express your vision.

Put less trust in the physical world, and more on the inner world. Learn to center yourself. Don’t make decisions when you are not centered. Don’t mistake frantic action for results; results come from a deeper level of being. Bond with at least one other person from the soul.Seek silent communion with yourself and your surroundings. Spend time in the natural world, soaking up its beauty. See past the mask of personality that people wear in public.

Spiritual detachment means that you view the world from a timeless place

When carried away by a strong emotion or impulse, take a moment to come back to yourself. Walk away from stressful situations when you can. Don’t remain in any situation that makes you so uncomfortable that you aren’t yourself. Don’t give in to the anxiety of others. In every situation where you feel confused, ask “ what is my role here?”. Until you find out, don’t act or make decisions

See beyond your limited situation. Take as your first principle that you are a child of the universe. Seek love as your birthright, along with bliss and creativity

As long as you can ask that one question –if I choose X , will it add to my evolution or take away from it?- you are stepping toward freedom. The great wisdom teachers would declar that failure is impossible, in fact. Simply to ask yourself if you are evolving is evolution itself.

The level of the answer is never the level of the problem

You need a new set of parent, and they exist within you. These parents consist of your own sense of worthiness

When someone asks, “How do I find the right one?” my answer is “Don’t look for the right one. Be the right one”

Yet whatever makes a person happy or sad, research suggests that personal choice is the biggest factor. Which means that your peace is the result of making choices in the past. We have all been conditioned to mistake ingrained beliefs for reality and stubborn habits for the inevitable.

If you sit in a restaurant and look around, it’s not hard to see how each person constructs their own reality illusion. One person is withdrawn, another outgoing. One feels victimized and defensive, another in control and expansive. Each person builds boundaries from basic materials like success and failure, belonging or being an outsider, playing the victim or the martyr, the boss or the underling, leader or follower

Wearing a mask is your enemy, even a pleasant mask. Opening up your inner world is your ally


This is a great book and I must say that your voice in the video is very calming, very soothing. :)

It is a great guide for people to take their lives into their own hands, using their own experiences and the guidance given. Thank you !

Thank you Denise🤗 I hope my voice and my reviews help anyone in search for inner peace. I know we all have those hard days when everything piles up and pushes us to the edge. I have been through the lows and highs of life. I strive to reach a level of inner calm where nothing and no one could interfere. Reading this kind of books help. Thanks a lot for stopping by!

Oh what a book this can be.

I realized how matured one can become seeing that I feel and can relate with the third level of awareness.
Over time, life relationships and "situationship" has taught me so much that I begin to make a good use for every problem and still find inner joy or peace.
Nothings hits me by surprise, and am always prepared for the worst.
This will be a pleasurable and good read foe me.


Hey Monica! I am glad that you like my pick, situationships are the worst because you lose so much time trying to figure out where you stand because there is so much uncertainty. In an unhealthy relationship the partner does not make efforts to comfort you, there is always tension and you don't even know if you are loved. Fortunately if you heal you can attract better people.Thank you for stopping by!

Thank you for the kind words.

I've already had the opportunity to read a few chapters of this book and it actually sounds pretty good.

Oooo that is great! It sounds great, putting all of the principles into practice is the challenge. I am having baby steps everyday, the greatest test is handling difficult people/situations as this is the kind of test through which you can see if you truly achieved inner peace so that nothing and no one could disturb your calm. Tough right? As a matter of fact it is funny that today I was challenged particularly with this , confronting a difficult person. I took a pause and thought about everything I have read and practiced. It worked as I did not let the situation and the person disrupt my inner peace. In the big fish bowl of the Universe one particular conflict is actually nothing really, if you think it through. In the back of my mind I find this thought quite often: both I and the enemy or the friend shall die and be eaten by the same worms lol so proving which ego is bigger is really detrimental for spiritual growth. I wish more people would put life in a bigger perspective and realize our purpose beyond material stuff and ego stuff. Now I look at a problem as being an opportunity to work on myself. If you take it like this your mental health will be so much better