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RE: Share your love! Week 2 of Dreemer of the Year challenge

in Proof of Brainlast year

Hello po! Ma'am @dreemsteem how are you po?. I already posted my article po for week 2. I posted it in Weekend Experiences. The owner put a comment po that I am muted. He is asking why I post my Dreemport Challenge there. Where is humanity? Where is kindness po? Hive is Home? Why that kind of rules po?. I don't know if you will accept my entry po. I feel disappointed po!. You can read his comment po in my post po. Christmas spirit is not in that community po no sharing of love for other people.

But what matter po if accept or not, I comply to the challenge for this week po.

God bless you po. 🙏


oh hi, I'm not sure what you mean but I think @galenkp must have muted you because you were posting something that wasn't a weekend experience in his community.

he's a very kind man but his rules are very clear in He asks that only posts that belong in his community use his tags. ☺️

your post is not muted on the entire's just muted in his community. we can still read your post from your blog 😃

try to be sure to always follow the rules of communities before posting so you don't get muted.❤️

Yes, that's exactly why the post from this user was muted, it was in answer to your concept and not mine so was not relevant in my community.


I am not apologetic, nor will I be next time either - The rules and guidelines are clear and if can follow other communities' rules, others can follow mine.

Try to be sure to always follow the rules of communities before posting so you don't get muted.

This is good information for all community members to follow.

I don't think he realizes what communities are all about since he's a new user and young, it's all pretty new to him. But it's ok, he was joining the challenge and it was still accepted. I didn't know what had happened but I figured it was something about community usually is something like that for newbies that are muted. The longer we are here, the more we learn! thanks for the response Galen ❤️ and nope .. no reason to be apologetic. maintaining community guidelines is not personal, it's simply keeping the community focused on what the theme is. That's why there is a mute button, for mods and admins to administer as they see fit. Simple. ☺️

Hello po! Ma'am I don't know po that there are other guidelines po. I follow all what is written in the guidelines on the weekend -engagement post po. He said why I put Dreemport Challenge Title in my post po. I don't know that it was not allowed because not written in his guidelines po. Then he said I use "Po". If he read my content po he will see that I didn't use Po and I explained po what is the meaning. Po is a very respectful word we use Po here in the Philippines. I admit po I committed mistake. You can read there po in my post and in comment on my post po when you have extra time po. Sorry po! If I committed mistake. It is ok po if I get muted po what is hurting is he did not respect God and Jesus Christ po. But after his rude reply po I didn't reply about the topic again. I only wish him Merry Christmas and an inspirational video po you can see that on the comments po. Ma'am sorry po, I work in Dreemport and I committed mistake po I am ashamed po. I am now afraid to post in any community. Other days I left questions in other people about posting in communities but nobody replied me po. Even I read difficult for me to understand po.

Sorry po! Please don't worry po it's nothing to me po. God sees my heart po. Not my intention po to disrespect community po. God bless po🙏❤️

ok, but now you know that there are guidelines to each community.

it's not anything that you need to feel ashamed about, you are a new user and you are going to make mistakes
we have all made mistakes on Hive... because there is a lot to learn.

Galen's community is only to be used for his topics.

so you shouldn't enter his community unless you are participating in his questions for the weekend.

You can use other communities when you're posting that don't have guidelines. and it's good that you are being respectful to people, but it's best when you've made a mistake to simply learn how to do it better next time.

Then you can grow better and find the places where your posts work best. You've only been here a short time and you will have lots more to learn, just be patient and learn with an open mind and a gentle heart and it will be better ☺️