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RE: HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Are we seeing yet more cases of creating the problem so you can force people to accept your desired solution? In this case it may be the Infrastructure Bill they are trying to coerce people into blindly voting "yes" on.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I must say I agree with you

Maybe, just maybe they are trying to instill fear into us so that we can accept their bill

They are getting good at this manipulative technique that they bring up situations in the form of infrastructure, making it seem as though we really need it, then we will accept it

our minds have gotten so dull, that we no longer know the difference between good reasoning and fallacious reasoning

And because we are afraid of not fitting in, we will run and embrace whatever it is the government bring up in our daily living

How do we stop them, anyway? Do you know the answer to this question, @dwinblood?

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How do we stop them, anyway?

I am starting to think we might have to let them experience where their idiotic ideas lead. A lot of people will likely die in the process. There is no telling how long the new dark ages might last, but they'd either be proven correct (I personally don't think likely) or they will be forced to live through their dumb ass world with no one else left to blame.

They would still try for awhile. Now this is also assuming they don't move onto the next stage of the cycle with historical precedent they are following and start killing, experimenting upon, enslaving, etc. anyone that disagrees with them.

That will only tide them over for awhile... then they have to eat their own. They already do that to some degree. Looking for victims, and oppressors is their modus operandi.

If they eliminate all of us they'd still be in that mode and they will turn it upon the others that think similar to them. Noticing smaller and smaller differences to attack.

This will be pure madness

I mean if after they have all of us wasted, they turn to their own folks, and find faults in them too?

Wow so much for their inherent instability. There are cankerworms and the virus that needs to be vaccinated on average.

It is a pity though because I agree they have to be left to their own ruin

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We can still try to wake some of them up. I won't stop trying. Yet I don't think I can do so nearly as fast as they destroy things.

How do you intend to wake them up, if I may ask?

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I have succeeded a number of times in the past. A small fraction of attempts, but they still matter. There are even people here that were glad when I came back that told me that talking to me changed a lot of how they view the world. Those people also still freely debate me, but they do it with thought and they actually agree with me in some areas they didn't before. :) They can at least see when someone is trying to con them and manipulating them with fear, emotions, and common logical fallacies.

EDIT: And they also teach me new things as well. It isn't other minds that I change. The process also changes my own.

I talk just like I am. I debate with them. Some I fail. Occasionally I succeed. I never expect anyone to immediately agree with me. That is a super rare occurrence. I just view it like tossing seeds. Perhaps some of the thoughts will take root.

All I really want is for people to think for themselves and stop picking people to trust as the people to do their thinking for them.

They shouldn't blindly agree with me. That would be bad as well.

Yet if people can learn how to think for themselves instead of relying on others to do the thinking we might be able to fix things.


They still wont be able to use the ferries.

I won't give in to their demands EVER. I will not however, stand in their way if in their city for example they vote to defund the police. In such cases I think the police should be defunded, and the police if they are wise will move somewhere that appreciates them. These people don't listen when you try to reason with them. They are lead by emotions. Mostly fear, outrage, and anger. One of the few things that seems to get their attention is pain and inconvenience in their own lives. What happens when there are no police? I have my suspicions. I wouldn't want to live in such a place. Yet should I stop them from trying it there?

What happens when there are no police?

There is the possibility and potential that people will take responsibility. Fill the gap. People, if you don't pressure them but leave them free, opt for the right choices. They act dumb if they are unfree and distrusted. We, the people, need to be "the police".

Yeah. That'd be fine if I thought people were capable of handling that. Right now the people have been controlled, manipulated, and not given important tools of knowledge. That is the pool that people would be drawn from.

Do I think it COULD be possible? Yes. Yet we also have to consider what we have to work with. I am very much a voluntarist. Yet I also have stopped thinking the switch to voluntarism could be a simple switch. If we did it now there would undoubtedly be just as much death as any of the atrocities when people quickly switch to some other ideas they had convinced themselves were the way society should live that would be fair.

We have a tendency to over simplify reality I think. That is because there are just so many variables.

We often forget about or ignore variables that are very important.

In this case I think the biggest variable is human nature, and considering how the population has been educated.

I don't think the vast majority of the population can handle that type of system at this point. Too much indoctrination, too much inability to accept when they are wrong about things, and a huge lack of some important things that education should have been providing (e.g. critical thinking) and has not been.

If we rushed into it with this population. Lot's of death.

Do I think we should strive for such a system? Yes.

I prefer to approach it in stepping stones. The problem is things may have to get bad and that death may occur anyway.

One thing we need people to realize is they can be wrong and that is not a bad thing (unless you keep being wrong about the same thing). It is an opportunity to learn and grow as a person.

That way perhaps they will make mistakes and learn from them. Today they make mistakes and usually blame it upon someone else.