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RE: A Token of Sacrifice (WOTW S3 Challenge)

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

First, I apologize for responding late

Second, I did check it out and I have questions

The part where we have "deductions" that's the "LMN", are points supposed to be deducted or added?

Also, what's the meaning of N/A?

For letter C, what do we use to judge post formatting? Is it an individual's ability to justify text, and use markdown styling perfectly?

Letter D, how do you judge one's images? Is it based on the word of the week or what the users are describing as it pertains to the word of the week?

For instance, @kevinnag58 had explained the happiness felt by people who have dogs and he express the word of the week, "Happy" with the pictures of "dogs"

If I was judging, would I give him;

  • zero for the pictures not relating to the word " happy" or
  • one in the sense that his pictures were relevant to the word because the dogs he used were happy in those pictures or
  • three because he used those pictures timely, in the right position, to suit the context of his post or
  • four because his pictures spur our emotions especially if we are one of the dog's lovers who are reminded by his post how happy we feel every time our dogs does this or that

That's all the questions I have for now.
