A Token of Sacrifice (WOTW S3 Challenge)

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

"When he appeared on earth, he did signs and great wonders for the salvation of humanity. Some [walked] in the way of righteousness, but others walked in their transgression, so the twelve disciples were called."

Deviant Art - Blood of my Blood by d1sarmon1a

And of the twelve, one was precious to the son of heaven.

He beheld the sight of his most faithful follower...and wept. How could fate play such a cruel hand to his believer?

Could his father be wrong in
issuing his order?

Perhaps not, for the
Lord of Caelum learned his
lesson well from those at Shinar.

The Son knew this was so. To secure the kingdom of the heavenly host, the righteous, or malicious, immortals could not lay a heavy hand upon humanity. Direct intervention would reveal their plan. Instead, they would secure their position across the millennia through deceit and discord.

Cajoling the faith of a follower would be the host's salvation. The ire of humanity, focused upon one person or group, would misdirect their anger from the celestials to themselves. They would reap devastation upon the immortal coil of humanity.

The token sacrifice of the follower would be sweet upon the lips of the heavenly host. And savor that sweetness they would, for the deceit they sowed from the Son's vessel would last indefinitely.


A Token of Sacrifice

Deviant Art - Who dominates Who by Vishstudio

And to his faithfully blind follower, the Son said:

"Come, let me tell you about the holy generation. Not so that you'll go there, but you'll grieve much when you see the kingdom and all its generation."

The Son of heaven took his beloved amongst the stars and showed him wonders to behold. The beloved saw the first man, his wife, and the generations that followed. He saw servants of the host in all their radiant glory.

Why was the Son presenting things to his follower that he showed to no other? It reminded the follower of the pig he had during his last feast. You can't roast a pig until it fattens. Is he the pig for a sacrifice? It couldn't be so.

The words uttered by the Son, however, etched themselves in his mind. The Son himself admitted the follower would never see the glory of the generations or the holy city. The follower must have been wrong. He was made immobile with the wonderous sights shown to him.

  • Humanity was of a Hive mind in these visions.
  • All worked for the betterment of the community.
  • No strife existed in the land.
  • There was no hunger or disease.
  • Belief in yourself was the only requirement.

It was a message he had to spread far and wide.
And yet, for some reason, the follower knew
that message would never see the light of day.

Escape became the only option.

The follower needed to free himself before the heavenly feast began. He needed to get word to the other disciples. Something was amiss. What could he say, though? What could he convey to the other blind followers that would help them see their faith maybe misplaced? Betrayal...

Words are certainly powerful
for those that must use them.


#POB-WOTW S3 Challenge Round

Image by yogesh more from Pixabay

Welcome, fellow Hivians!

Welcome, to our Season 3 #POB-WOTW (Word of the Week)

But first! Here's a commercial break!

I've written about it, talked about it, and commented about it. Now the time has come. I decided to let the concept of the challenge float around in the community. We're not used to this sort of challenge, but based upon the community's performance in the normal #POB-WOTW contests we needed a change.

Things tend to get a little stale and we can become complacent without a challenge. It's something that Calumam taught me some time ago. I've tried to listen well. Calumam and I have different methods, but the goal is the same. There's a method to my madness and it's something I will reveal to you, but first, the Hive community is owed an explanation.

S3 Challenge Round (1100 POB)

  • Write an article that uses all of the following four words: Hive, Discord, Malicious, and Frailty.
  • Do not write about the Hive blockchain.
  • Do not commit plagiarism.
  • Use the #POB-WOTW tag if you are participating in the contest.


There is no content restriction. Want to write a STEM article? No problem. Just make sure you weave the selected words around the topic. Finance? Great! Follow the rules. Want to use memes, images, or poetry? I can't wait to review it.


Every article gets evaluated against a Merit System Calumam and I developed. It is an objective approach to a normally subjective process. I researched dozens of grading criteria across Cal's topic and added the grading bases for them.

@nonsowrites and I grade each article and work to be as impartial as possible. I then make the results public after the contest concludes. Everyone has an opportunity to see how they perform weekly and adjust their writing as they see fit.


Funding for the contest comes from my curation or article rewards. When Calumam left, the contest became stagnant. The community wanted to keep it going and so here I am. @nonsowrites, @amr, and the rest of the community were very patient with me while I figured things out.

Thank you, guys.

I received a delegation from @proofofbrainio to support these efforts in addition to my normal curation responsibilities.

Rewards Pool

I've been asked by some people about creating a rewards pool to continue the contest. I'm looking into the possibility and I'll write about it in another post.

If I seek out a rewards pool, it will be to support an additional curator in the contest and the current weekly rewards. 300 POB, or less, for the weekly rewards. 50-100 POB/week for a curator. I continue funding Nonsowrites from my own funds. We need another curator if the contest is to expand. Until I make that decision, the contest continues onward.

Fatigue & Restructuring

I've been at this contest for almost 24 weeks. We'll have one more'ish season and then there will be a month break for restructuring.

From here on out, we'll probably have a couple of seasons and then a break for rest. We're grading dozens of articles each week and we need to stay fresh to continue the contest. Additionally, it provides us opportunities for improvement or even replacement of the contest with something better. Who knows?

I also need to plan out the next several seasons of contests and write articles for them. My IRL is becoming quite hectic and, if I don't plan ahead, I'll fall behind with the community.

Now, back to the show!
Who is participating in this #POB-WOTW challenge?


#POB-WOTW Current Entries

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

There are currently no entries in the #POB-WOTW Season 3 Challenge Round

Contest Start: 27/09/21 (Monday)
Contest End: 11/10/21 (Monday)

I look forward to reading your articles!


Do you like contests?

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Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

Please follow along with the authors listed below if you enjoy HIVE contests. Dates may vary, so please pay attention.

Did you miss the current contest? No problem! Just stay in tune with these authors and more. There will be more contests that follow!

Thank you for your continued support in the #POB-WOTW contest.
Here now, is the conclusion to our story.



Deviant Art - Sacrifice by nJoo

But you'll do more than all of them, because you'll sacrifice the human who bears me. Your horn has already been raised, your anger has been kindled, your star has ascended, and your heart has [strayed].

Betrayal was the word on the lips of the follower, but he would never utter them. The machinations of the host ran deep, and their game was long. Their mind was of a hive that developed over the eons. Their malicious plan, now coming to fruition, would sow discord upon the descendants of Shinar until Kingdom come.

With the betrayal of the follower, shall come the death of the Son. From his death, Caelum shall dine upon the energies of humanity. The world, in its entirety would rage against themselves. Brother killing brother under the false belief that faith alone would fill their bellies. The blind believers would seek retribution from those responsible for the crucifixion.

Powerless to resist, Iscariot couldn't help but gaze at the heavens. Still immobile, unable to move, he gazed upon the light as commanded. It took a while before he sensed the burning. Yet, it wasn't a burning of the flesh. It was within his mind, body, and soul. The burning sensation spread and as it did, so did his thoughts slow.


Pieces of Silver

Deviant Art - Betrayer by jamajurabaev

"Look, you've been told everything. Lift up your eyes and see the cloud with the light in it and the stars around it."

Judas Iscariot, the festious guard of Christ, felt something enter his being. As the burning forced him to lose sensation in each of part of his body, he felt something moving them independently. He screamed silently, because he could produce no sound. Something else was flexing his jaws, arms, and legs. Before losing his body, Judas heard the thing utter words for its first time:

"They can never tell the difference."
"Let the betrayal continue."

The new "not Judas" proceeded to enter the cloud of light. He appeared in a tent of an order of Jewish scribes to their amazement and began to strike a deal.


Coptic text of Codex Tchacos 3

Image by Richard Chalmers from Pixabay

The selected quotes for this article came from the Coptic Text of Codex Tchacos 3. It was one of the ancient documents recovered with what now comprises the Nag Hammadi Library called "The Gospel of Judas".

I found the story fascinating in both its content and what was missing. Being almost two thousand years old, researchers had to put "best guesses" in the text they were deciphering. So, I wondered, "If scholars could do it, could I?"

I wondered why Judas was selected by Jesus for the betrayal. Couldn't it be, instead, that he was being betrayed?


In Closing

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Would you please support our fellow authors? I look forward to providing more in the future. Thank you for reading and following on throughout my Hive journey. @ashleykalila, where ever you are, thanks for the POB dividers.

If you like this article, please consider upvoting and subscribing to @scholaris!

POB Banner 5A.gif


Posted via proofofbrain.io


Here I say present to this call of the POB -WOTW and I post my participation. I hope you like it and I look forward to your comments and evaluation. Thank you for such a great call. Greetings. https://www.proofofbrain.blog/hive-150329/@fragozar01/creativity-in-a-challenge-pob

Thanks for including the Shadow Hunters Contest!

I love that contest. Thank you for making it available for everyone.

I admire the way you create space for awareness across the tribe on one post. A post full of information, it also reminds people of the ongoing world of the week.

It’s not a small job accumulating this much information, Weldon

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you very much for your response and visit. I am a fan of documents like the ones found in the Nag Hammadi library. I supports the common narrative, but sometimes goes way outside of it.

It gives credence to the saying that "history is written by the victors".

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Weldon sir, it shows in the way you organize things around here

This shows that the word was not able to leave. Words are indeed important to those who value them and to those who are ready to take them into actions.

I'm in for this contest. But, the contest deadline was not specified and should we post the link here?

You can post the link here. The challenge round lasts two weeks. We’re on the first week of the challenge round now. You have some time. The contest ends October 11 at midnight

Thank you so much...

This kind of contest is demanding for the host but the results are a variety of views on one word. There is a possibility that some key words may also bring POB to trending on a specific word or concept.

I did the work of judge for a couple rounds of the Comedyopenmic and it was much more difficult than I ever imagined. Jest keeping track of the posts was a pain. If other responsibilities are at hand then please take some weeks off and come back fresh.

This contest has always been a proof of brain and I would be glad to see it continue in some form or another.

In the meantime I have these bonus words and now the question of Judas' free will. Somewhere inside I have already resolved all these issues, but for the moment I am confused and have classes to teach.


Posted via proofofbrain.io






@scholaris, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/10)

I think just using the #pob-wotw tag serves this purpose. The selected word does as well. I could sure pick some easy words, but there's not a lot of fun with it. I have two simple words I'll be using for next season, and then two not so simple words. Next season's challenge will be especially interesting.

For this contest, Hive and Discord were important because while they represented the blockchain, it was more a state of mind I wanted to focus on. Understanding the words meant you would understand this medium of communication. The challenge round for this season is a practice in combining these ideas into one article.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

You always blow me away with your stories @scholaris😊💗 I am working on my entry...I'm in slow draft mode lol. All the late nights curating and writing have caught up with me and I have had a number of secondary school evening visits to attend with my eldest too. btw, the Ladies of Hive contest you mention is not mine. I do try to enter it weekly but it is @thekittygirl's contest as far as I know :-) thank you for promoting it though but perhaps you could edit your article to give credit to the LOH owner :-)

Oh. Ok I thanks for letting me know about @thekittygirl. I will correct it totally immediately.

As for the story...it's not mine. At least I don't think it is as it just popped in there after reading that Gospel. Crazy. No wonder the Catholic church tried to get it burned. It put their primary facilitator in quite a different light.

Imagine if the ancient church got hold of the books published in the last century. I don't think there would be many books left unburnt.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

The LadiesOfHive contest is not mine, but it belongs to @ladiesofhive as a whole. The community is the brainchild of @silversaver888 and she asked me to co-found it with her. The Admins & Moderators take turns thinking of the questions for each week's contest and doing the judging. I merely take my turns as do the others. I think Scolaris did fine by crediting you for your particular entry to last week's contest! 🙂

@scholaris ~ This was very cool how you mentioned all the POB-WOTW contests, as well as spotlighting many of the current contests on Hive! Great job! 😃

I think contests are a fantastic tool for engagement. It challenges and improves your skill-set at the same time. Contests are a lot of work though. If I could figure out a way to remove the work it would be awesome all the time, lol.

They are, indeed, a lot of work, moreso than the average user might think. Thinking of a good theme, rustling up the prizes, and most of all: reading the dozens of entries and judging! Some weeks, @ladiesofhive has had over 50 entries in our weekly contest! It is amazing!

This reminds me, I need to make a reminder post for my contest... I didn't even get enough entries to claim all of the prizes 😂

ok thank you @thekittygirl, I'm sorry if I confused things more. I just didn't want to be taking credit for something that wasn't mine and you ladies do such a good job in the LOH community. I see your name everywhere so mistakenly thought it was your "baby". thank you for the clarification🙏

SilverSaver888 gave birth to it, I was the midwife... 😂 LOL!


All fixed. Thanks for letting me know.

We need another curator if the contest is to expand

Can I sign up for this? It will be a great opportunity to learn.

There's no sign up. Invite by request or interest only.

Public Merit Grading

The public data sheet will allow you to see how we grade each article. It's overwhelming in the beginning until you get familiar with it. At the top of most columns is a note. In each note is the grading we follow for each topic.

Take a look at it and let me know what you think. How would you grade each entry? Please pick an individual and let us know. I look forward to your input.

What do you think? Have you had an opportunity to look at it?

First, I apologize for responding late

Second, I did check it out and I have questions

The part where we have "deductions" that's the "LMN", are points supposed to be deducted or added?

Also, what's the meaning of N/A?

For letter C, what do we use to judge post formatting? Is it an individual's ability to justify text, and use markdown styling perfectly?

Letter D, how do you judge one's images? Is it based on the word of the week or what the users are describing as it pertains to the word of the week?

For instance, @kevinnag58 had explained the happiness felt by people who have dogs and he express the word of the week, "Happy" with the pictures of "dogs"

If I was judging, would I give him;

  • zero for the pictures not relating to the word " happy" or
  • one in the sense that his pictures were relevant to the word because the dogs he used were happy in those pictures or
  • three because he used those pictures timely, in the right position, to suit the context of his post or
  • four because his pictures spur our emotions especially if we are one of the dog's lovers who are reminded by his post how happy we feel every time our dogs does this or that

That's all the questions I have for now.


I was confused initially untill my mind worked the biblical aspect of the tails. You are indeed a wonderful writer, back to the question that got me thinking

Why judas

Well i guess its the work of greed not neccessary that heaven passed a selection pprocess. We all have free wills and so can choose. When choosing bad we have to be sure to live with the consquencies that come with it.

I think that in this particular gospel Jesus had an agenda that required Judas’ blind faith to accomplish. If Judas had questioned his own faith perhaps he would have not been the lamb brought home to slaughter.

I agree we all have free will, but it's not without its consequences. I have the will to choose what I believe in just like someone else has the free will to choose to corrupt that belief.

Why Judas? My guess, just from that text, was that he was a true believer. He believed in Jesus and took his words as gospel and unquestionable. Beyond that, to me, is pure speculation on my part. We can only guess and pick the most logical conclusion in our minds.

So many and great things are happening in this community!

Judas was definitely betrayed - by Satan. I can't figure out if he was a bad apple from the beginning though. Or was he lured away from his faith?

There was no satan in the Gospel of Judas. It was all Jesus. It seemed like not only did Jesus tell Judas to betray him, Jesus also facilitated the betrayal. He wanted the storyline to unfold.

When did Judas write this? We already know that Jesus accepted the outcome, and knew it would be Judas. Satan would have lied to him, and convinced him that his Master was the one doing it. It actually makes perfect sense that Judas would have been deceived by Satan in this way. Won't the Antichrist do the same when he comes? Just in a different context of course.


@scholaris! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @wrestlingdesires.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (6/10)

I don't know that Judas wrote it or the date of the origin of the gospel. It's a similar debacle scholars have with dating other ancient manuscripts. They can only tell a date range for the scroll or ink used in the document they have.

We're assuming Satan lied to him similar to how people in the United States, or anywhere else for that matter, assume their country is the best. You learn what you're taught about a bad person and sometimes life gives you a perspective. I'm not saying Satan is good or God is evil. I'm just wondering what the real narrative is about. After all, the Bible is a compendium of writings and not the source of one author. Those books and the narrative were designed by many.

Either way, I can't speak of Satan or God in this manuscript. I fall on the side of the translators. They feel the gospel centers around a conversation between Jesus and Judas. However, it doesn't mean that you're wrong either, you know? That text is really old. Maybe 1800-2000 years old.

I don't even know for sure that Judas didn't make it to Heaven. If he truly was a follower, and thought that Jesus ordered this, it seems likely that we can just ask him one day.

David did some awful things too, and is much loved by God.

Right?!? Crazy David. My next article touches on the Apocalypse of Adam. I keep reading this stuff and it’s no surprise the Empire of Catholicism murdered it’s way to destroying these books.

They also killed a lot of believers for disagreeing with their interpretations. Nothing against the church, it was the decision of individuals who met their Maker long ago. If anything we should pity them.

You need to stake more ALIVE tokens (you can send 10 tips for every 1000 ALIVE tokens that you have staked)

I love the way you write, it's both heavenly and a wonder to behold.

This week's contest is going to take a lot and still give a lot. I like the methods you're using and I must commend the work you and @nonsowrites put in to make this possible.

Will the winner also be graded based on engagement?

Thank you very much for the compliment to myself and @nonsowrites. Regarding grading: everyone gets put through the process except the ones that get disqualified. The winners definitely get graded as it is the means by which we determine who wins.

Ok...thank you for your reply.
Happy new month to you

Your write up are always amazing and I love the way you come about with your markdowns
The contest deserves a great setback and think to compose. It’s the most huge one I would witness from my start
And I would love to say a big thank you to you and the community at large for the great work done
Keep it up sir

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you very much. Yeah, Steemit/Hive is full of markdown styles no one talks about. It's amazing. One of the better ones I found was an image slider. Instead of seeing images as you scroll down the screen you just slide from left to right. Makes for a much more fulfilling post.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thanks for always keeping me updated in the new available contests.

Really appreciate that effort.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hey. You're worth it. Hope to see you in the contest.

Thanks for your kind words.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

@scholaris @leprechaun any idea why proofofbrain.blog is down again?😭Sadly, my article is once again stuck in draft on the .blog frontend. Any idea when it will be back up again?🙏

I do not know, personally. When I tried bringing up your comment following a discord notification it brought up the HIVE frontend. I received an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) error which indicates that the problem doesn't necessarily originate from proofofbrain.blog. I believe we're still dealing with the same dilemma that theMarkyMark wrote about this weekend.

Have you lost all of your work?

ok I've just read his article. Basically a similar thing happened to me as happened last time. I get an error like this:
This site can’t be reachedCheck if there is a typo in samsmith1971.
If spelling is correct, try running windows network Diagnostics.

My draft of my article is in proofofbrain.blog. It is not complete yet; I was hoping to do that this evening and publish :-( Hopefully it is still there when I gain access again. Unless you think we won't gain access again...aargh...I am using Google Chrome. Proofofbrain.io hangs all the time and proofofbrain.blog crashes and burns...not a good look for our community. 😭I've been using Ecency more and more to post articles as it just runs cleanly every time. If I get back in, I'll be copying the draft to word lol and in future working outside the blockchain on my draft until it is ready as this is frustrating and I'll be quite disappointed if I can't get back in and complete the article.

Thanks for mentioning me. Of course, you're always free to email me. Should things hang, I might not find out until someone mentions it as I am often writing code for my own site rather than using my own site. New features are worked on using another local computer. I've just rebooted the site.

Thank you so much🙏 Could you drop me your email addy please and I'll use that if I have any issues in future?. Much appreciate your help this eve😊💗

Use my hive user name [email protected] should reach me.

We're working on a solution to the brain.io and brain.blog. I'm very sorry you're going through this.

No worries, I guess these things happen. Any chance we can get a solution that doesn't result in my draft entry disappearing into the digital metaverse?😂🙏

There is a solid solution being developed by aggroed and his team of developers called Outpost. It's an initiative where the Hive Engine Team creates a web 3.0 site for communities.

It's an Outpost for 2nd layer communities created by developers of the Hive blockchain. I'm trying to get details about it now.

Should I assume that proofofbrain.blog is not coming back up then?

I will have to investigate.

Thank you, if I need to start over, I will need to put in quite a few evenings this next week as I was quite far along... mmm... sigh. I am kicking myself for trusting the platform after last time.







@scholaris, you've been given LUV from @samsmith1971.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/3)