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RE: Don't give up, Give it a little more time.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Hi to you:)

The many diseases that people are so afraid of, how far do you think you can push it before you realise that the myriad of diagnoses we are so often confronted with show up as part of the problem that modern man thinks he can "fight" so effectively?

Isn't it rather the case that as diagnoses increase, so do diseases?

Is it likely that the medical industry has grown so much because you need a lot of sick people to sustain an industry?

What do you think the term "immunity" even means and whether it applies to living beings?

Can you really "fight" a disease without fighting a living being at the same time?



I get your point of view, What you are insinuating is that the Medical industry is behind most of the diseases that plagues us?

Well, What I mean by immunity is simply The state of being insusceptible to something, notably a resistance to a specific thing or disease.

I don't think I understand what you mean by 'Can you really "fight" a disease without fighting a living being at the same time? So In essence you are saying living beings originates this diseases?😮

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I get your point of view, What you are insinuating is that the Medical industry is behind most of the diseases that plagues us?

A doctor makes a living out of people being sick, right? The fewer sick people around him, the less he can earn. I mean, that's a simple economic fact. In order to be able to earn more and have more patients, the spectrum has grown. Can you agree?

What I mean by immunity is simply The state of being insusceptible to something, notably a resistance to a specific thing or disease.

How is that supposed to work? Resistance, isn't that just a temporary state, not a permanent state. You can also simply call it health, can't you? Either one is ill or healthy. Just like unhappy or happy. You can't be happy and unhappy at the same time, these states alternate. I recognise this as a rule of life, because life means constant change, doesn't it?

I don't think I understand what you mean by 'Can you really "fight" a disease without fighting a living being at the same time? So In essence you are saying living beings originates this diseases?

LOL, no I'm not saying that. I'm saying you can't declare war on something you attribute to a living being (inhabiting it), such as a "virus" and then mean that in that mode of struggle you are not also simultaneously fighting the human being as a whole. I think the term "fight" is inappropriate in this respect. Illness is merely an expression of the fact that someone needs something until he is well again. Without illness, there is no health.

Alright, Alright. I get It, But it's complicated because no matter how safe you try to live, The human body would always get Ill from time to time.
Sure, The spectrum has grown but you have to know that a lot of people engage in unhealthy and dirty risky lifestyles that will always make it easy to fall Ill.

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The human body would always get Ill from time to time.

Yeah, that's what I am saying. Cannot be avoided.

you have to know that a lot of people engage in unhealthy and dirty risky lifestyles that will always make it easy to fall Ill.

What are you going to do about it? That happened, happens and will happen.
Also, someone could easily say that your lifestyle is a dirty and risky one, in fact, people say that about smoking or consuming weed. Are they correct about you? If someone catches you right in that one act you might have overdone and abused it, they might judge you just because of that. They might not see the other side and so you cannot put your own mind-spirit into another humans head and direct from there what one shall think and how one shall move ones arms and legs. I find that a funny imagination, that's why I used it :)

A family member of mine abused alcohol for almost all his life. So, judges popped up everywhere. But I think he had a reason to drink and I cannot judge him, only leave him alone if it's too much for me to be with him. I decided doing that. He came out "clean" one day, this is now 15 years ago. Being a judge towards other people who seem to have caught a "bad habit", I find unnecessary. You can never tell, if someone will be successful to change a habit or not until he or she is no more. But as long as someone stays alive, it's way too soon to judge. Even then, judging is of no help. What seems to be bad for you, might be needed by another one as far as it's needed. Maybe for a while, maybe for the rest of ones life.

Hmmmmm, Slow down, I think you have misunderstood me and you don't get the direction I am coming from.

Don't get me wrong, I am not judging anybody neither am I criticizing anybody for the sought of life that they live. I was only saying that people live dirty and risky lives that endangers their health, For example, Someone who drinks unclean water, Someone who has unprotected sex with multiple partners, Someone who doesn't wash his hands before eating, someone who abuses weed and alcohol, someone who doesn't stay hydrated, someone who doesn't exercise regularly, someone who eats contaminted food, All of that are risky and dirty lifestyles that could easily make you vulnerable to Illnesses.

And also just to be clear with you in the area you said I smoke, I don't smoke Cigarettes, I only smoke weed and Weed contains Cannabis while Cigarette contains Tobacco and If you find out, You will realize that Cannabis is more safer and recommendable than Tobacco.

And I don't abuse weed in anyway for the safety of my health. If you ask me Smoking weed is not risky if done appropriately and moderately, It is only risky when it is abused and overused ignorantly.

And did you know weed is medicinal? It acts as a painkiller and a sedative, Increases appetite, Relaxes the mind and brings Mindblowing bliss. Unlike Cigarettes that don't do anything close to Marijuana.

So, I hope I am well understood now?😊😄

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HaHa, so I ask again: What will you do about it? If at all? I am not saying, you should do something about, on the contrary :)

If it's nothing of your concern, you are neither judging it, nor criticizing anyone, why listing all the things?

I listed all the things to make sure that explain it all and I am well understood.

Well, I won't do anything about it, I might just probably roll up some couple weed and feel alright and smile about it.😋

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I seem to annoy you? Then I will stop.

No, No. Don't say that. You are not annoying me in anyway.

You know it's always fun conversating with you and I always enjoy our conversations because I always learn a thing or two whenever we talk.

Don't feel that way, I'm sorry if I made you feel like you annoy me, But I never meant that.

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thank you. I was not sure, so I asked :) online communication is sometimes delicate.

Alright, Alright, I get it. I bet now you are sure.
To tell you the truth, You have never annoyed me before, You are so intellectual and fun to conversate with, So you don't get me annoyed in anyway.

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