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RE: Attaining Relief & Embracing The Inevitable "Truth"

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Hi to you,

I would like to offer my interpretation to what you wrote and add my thoughts.

Talking about the toxic atmosphere or this quality of other people sounds as if you don't have one or are above it, where you yourself could be considered as someone who is toxic.

I would say that nobody is free from emotions and weakness. It is quite impossible not to have emotions, I think. I am sceptical of such statements that do not include the self. The moments when emotions threaten to overwhelm one or lead one to make rash statements are indeed those of high emotionality.

Depending on how your environment reacts, you know whether you have made a mistake, intensified or weakened a conflict. If you cultivate the image of an always rational and logical person who has overcome his childhood wounds, I would counter: the memories of certain episodes from human life never stop being triggered. You will again encounter people who trigger an unconscious association that pushes something remembered (pleasant as well as unpleasant).

The social field is not made up of select and few friends with whom you shield yourself together against toxicity. It is always permeable and it is right there, at the border of "others and I" that contact happens, that friction arises.

In my view, relief is always temporary, not a fixed state, not a "wisdom that lasts from now on". In the presence of each experienced moment of encounter with people, it is always decided anew how this encounter will take shape.

In my view, preconceived decisions or predictions are often even a hindrance to remaining flexible and spontaneous. The preconception, the prejudice that I am subject to just like everyone else, is already evident here in my comment. My prejudice relates to how I read your text and where I detect little that is questioning, little that is self-critical.

Personally, I respond to texts whose statements I actually question, which I perceive as hypocritical and where I appear to be critical with my view (I do not mean your text in this regard but a recent episode).

In very few cases, my counterpart does not find this offensive and his reaction ranges from condescending to angry, for example. In this context, I am interested in how I myself react to insults where I show either subliminal or open disagreement with someone.

I would therefore say that the best teachers for me are people I could call "toxic", because they show me what my patience is like, my own maturity (or immaturity), because I can read from it the degree of my annoyance and experienced provocation. Keeping myself away from "such people" leads me to keep myself away from my own learning process by pretending that there are "the right people and the wrong people". Insofar as I only think in these categories, I run the risk of creating an echo chamber for myself, where only confirmation counts, but the challenge to examine myself is perceived as unpleasant by me.

I'm hoping to reach more people who are broken at heart and spirit
