
Well, there are gains for me too which aren't to be forgotten about, it all depends on what you see more value in. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't aware of the kind of influence and attention that is received because of running successful initiatives, that's a major gain in terms of the platform and it's something that tokens can't necessarily buy.

There is also a serious gain for knowledge by understanding so many different perspectives of the words shared. This also gives me a much better understanding of people here on the platform too, which is another major gain.

Like I say, it just depends on what people find valuable. Big picture thinking.

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All true, what better grows a community bond than getting into common discussions?

I'd say it's really exposing everyone to different ideas and point of views. The interaction helps us understand what different perspectives everyone involved views things from.

So yea, I guess the merits are wider distributed.

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