POBphotocontest New Round: PINK

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The theme for this week:

Welcome to a another round of the #POBPhotocontest
This week the subject is: PINK

It won't be long until the tulip fields here in the Netherlands will be in bloom again. It's always a wonderful sight.
Last year I shot these beautiful pink ones.


I'm expecting tp see a lot of flowers with this subject, but maybe some of you can surprise me with something else with the colour pink! Good luck!


About the POBPhotocontest

The #POBphotocontest is a weekly photography contest with a different subject every week. It runs from Sunday until next Sunday (8:00 PM CEST).
My intension is to make this contest accessible for everyone; from experienced photographers with professional cameras to beginners shooting with their phone camera. Everyone can join!

Every week you can create a blog post for this contest with at least one photo that that meets the subject of that week. That photo needs to be the first photo in the post.
Although it is allowed to use a photo from your archive it is more fun to go out and shoot new photographs.

Your photo should tell a story by itself, but also write something about your photo or photo's in your post. Share some background information about the subject, location or techniques you used and why you submitted this photo for the contest.
Don't forget to set #pobphotocontest as one of the tags] of your posts since that is the way I can find all the submitted photos.

You can also put your photo with a link to your post in the comments of this post.

The contest ends next Sunday 8:00 PM CEST.
I will personally judge the photos and select 3 winners based on both the quality and originality of the photo and the additional information in the blog post itself.

The winners will receive POB tokens and Ecency points.




The #POBPhotocontest has a lot of followers and frequent participants. Let me know when you also would like to get a mention when a new round of the #pobphotocontest starts so I can add you to the list.

@hetty-rowan @repayme4568 @bendany @insight.pob @xaviduran @pthker2010 @mrenglish @papilloncharity @amberkashif @shadflyfilms @edipascal @samsmith1971 @whiteangey @elemarg25 @actioncats @funshee @nasri11 @robertdouglass @brittandjosie @deraaa @tommyl33 @ninahaskin @stader @dejan.vuckovic @tengolotodo @flamistan @belkisa758 @miriam11 @careassaktart @joseph23 @wems @justinpencilz @doziekash @melinda010100 @parissousa @littlebee4 @chapelle @tydynrain @sisterhood2 @desro @thecastles @henrietta27 @farpetrad @eylz619 @aura89 @carlynn @alexbb9700 @myfreshes @maxelitereturned @kattycrochet @asherrobert @ozohu @femcy-willcy @tfranzini @zuly63 @twicejoy @lifeskills-tv @zestimony @elitography @patschwork @karizma @stayoutoftherz @marbrym @fredkese @chichi18 @jane1289 @taimen @anonymous02 @bettybunny @the13anarchist @shasta @karelysk89 @eddwood @fiatgirl @aideleijoie @zehn34 @jacoalberts @bloghound @kushyzee @drlobes @stresskiller @growandbow @hannes-stoffel @bluepark @jurich60 @rebolegi @herbae @franciscopr @kelzyspeaks @dayadam @jte1023 @slothlydoesit @stefano.massari @pinkhub @sofs-su @fantagira @abdul-qudus @zara09 @peniel2010 @aiovo @curatorcat.pal @vragolana @cryptopsycho21 @manuelgil64 @wongi @luchyl @ygoob @corinadiaz @ijelady



  • Create a blog post with a photo that meets this weeks subject.
  • Archive are allowed, but I recommend posting a recent photo.
  • Add some information about your photo. What do we see? Where did you take it? Why did you take it? What techniques and/or equipment did you use?
  • Add the #pobphotocontest tag to that post (this is how I can find the post of the contestants).
  • You can add more photos to that post, but only the first one in your post will be your submission for the contest.
  • Optional: Place a link to the post you created in the comment on this announcement post. You can add your image to the comment too.



The top 3 will receive both POB tokens and Ecency points.
The Ecency points are generously donated by @good-karma and can be used in the @ecency front end to boost or promote your posts.

PlacePOB TokensEcency Points



What is POB?

POB stands for Proof of Brain. Proof of Brain is a community on Hive where you can actually post anything you want. The community has it's own POB token. When you post in the proofofbrain community or use the #POB or #ProofOfBrain tags on your post you can receive POB tokens.
When you stake your POB tokens you will earn curation rewards for voting on POB posts.
Just check out https://hive-engine.com/ how many POB tokens you have.

Not using your POB tokens? Please consider delegating them to my POB account @friendmoose.pob which I'm using to curate POB photography posts.



What is Ecency?

Ecency is a social network on Hive that rewards content creators with Hive and points. Ecency points can be used to promote or boost your content, and can even be transferred or gifted to another user.




Photographing is my passion. Although I like photography in general, nature photography is one of my favourite subjects. I often go out with my camera for a hike to capture the beauty of nature.
I would love to read what you think of my photos in the comments.

If you have any questions you can contact me on Discord: friendlymoose#5717


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @chichi18 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

This theme is a perfect match for me 😂 I can just do a selfie and done lol 🤣

Man I love pink to the point that I even see pink in my dream lol. I can easily spot a pink something from miles away 😂 I can easily find pink stuff... the problem now lies how can I make it appealing 😅

Anyways I'll take on this challenge and hopefully I can come up with something good 😁

Of anyone would be able to shoot something pinochet other than flowers it would be you 😄
Good luck!

That's interesting I found this as something to part take in but I my eligible to take part of this and how do I start with this

Yippee! Another new round! Okay the hunt for Pink begins now!! Haha
Thanks @friendlymoose for these weekly Exciting challenges.


Posted using Hive Images

What is black and white and red all over?
A penguin with a sunburn.

Credit: captaincryptic
@friendlymoose, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @hivephoto

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

Hi, I see the last animals contest and arrive here. so, will try because just had a photo using pink.


Have a great week.

Ayyy Dios!!! ue reto encontrar fotografias algo rosa que no sean flores. Muy bueno el tema, suerte a todos los participantes!!!!

Wait. I have pink this time.. Lemme find it hehe

This is my entry for this round .

Today I got chance to share my photographs of Pink Rain Lily for this contest. Thank you...
Here's my entry: https://ecency.com/hive-150329/@catharsis/pink-rain-lilies-flower-photography

Just as I thought... there flowers is the most common subject in this round...
anyway, I have something different... 😁


Hi: here is my entry to pink POB-photocontest if I'm not late 😁😅

These are my stress relief toys 😃

Oooh! I want to join. But I need to find some pink flowers on my photo albums. hehe!

You still have one day left.
Or you could even buy some flowers.

haha yes. im creating my draft now. XD

The pink is my favorite color. I see the entries in comment section. People post awesome post about theme. I think I can't compete with them because I don't have high definition camera.

Pink was a couple of rounds ago.
This week the subject is bridges.

It isn't the camera that takes the picture by the way. A good camera helps, but composition and creativity are even more important to make a good photo.

You also don't have to join to win. You can join for the fun and to get better at photography too.